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 Post subject: Event help
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:26 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:26 pm
Posts: 73
I’ve said I am very willing to get involved with the organization of events in WarBirds (WB), I did in a small way years ago in the EMC’s as this suits my location far more. I hope to resurrect these mini events and perhaps garner greater interest from those not located in the USA.

I’ve had some information from VNSLP concerning the coding to be used in the events but not had the tutorial yet so I’m still very much on the periphery of these things and only scratching the surface regarding help.

As you already know, I’m part of the DR squad and for my sins, elevated to European Sector XO. The squad has its critics and dissenters, most comments seem to be generated out of envy rather than anything else but I’m not concerned with that, my objective is to help provide an interesting and for the most part, enjoyable experience for all virtual pilots (with perhaps 2 or 3 exceptions!), friend or foe.

I have spare time, not because of the virus enforced lockdown, I’m semi-retired so I can portion some hours to R&D of WB and in particular, the organized events. But… and it’s a big but, it doesn’t help me or engender any feelings of wanting to become involved when the lines of communication are fractured or non-existent. There appears to be a number of people who want to be involved, have been involved, want to become uninvolved or any combination of all three, working it seems, at odds with each other and those like me, offering help.

I don’t wish to be overly critical; I know only too well that all this is undertaken on a voluntary basis with no reward other than job satisfaction. (I have no idea if WB offers discounted or free accounts to those that help and if not, perhaps it should.)

To cut to the chase, I was more than willing to help plan and I still am, I was asked to be a “CO” for the event but my inexperience made me hesitate and decline as I didn’t want to be the cause of any blunders. So I asked for help and guidance and had some but not enough to leave me feeling confident enough to undertake the role other than leading a BG on the night. Small though it may be, designing, organizing and running an event is a daunting, thankless task that requires concentration and application. I remember the sweaty palms and elevated heart rate when running an EMC which is relatively simple by comparison.

I am here, willing and hopefully, able; teach me, tutor me, show me and I’ll throw my full weight behind it but I will not be involved in any part again unless I am included in the full information loop. I wasted a fair amount of time and effort that proved to be totally useless and that left me with a sour taste. If you want me to help, as I said, I am here but help me to help you, and don’t expect me to know everything right from the start.

I make no apology; this is a bit of a rant as I felt quite aggrieved about this especially as I had been asked to take a leading role. Imagine what might have happened had I not discovered the information given was completely incorrect and entered into the scenario only then to find it was garbage. But I’ve vented spleen and am now willing to draw a line under it in the expectation someone will take me under their wing and tutor me through the processes. I will make no improvement suggestions until such time as I know a little more about the subject.

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 Post subject: Re: Event help
PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:33 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:54 am
Posts: 649
Check my PM pmhb...

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