S3 Series

NGD frame 3 Orders
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Author:  nookyb [ Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  NGD frame 3 Orders


We are tasked with taking Buna. There are 3 airfields. #1 Priority is to take down the DAR tower at F80. This will blind the Japs for the rest of the frame. Next close F80, then F81, F82.

My plan is to send a small force as a diversion into the NME DAR South of F77. They are to simulate an NOE mission that is popping DAR. Then they go below DAR and exit West. Hopefully this will draw the IJN South to look for our ghost NOE strike force.

Meanwhile the rest of the allied force has TBF’s and Heavy Fighters climbing and eventually striking Buna from the N. Make sure to stay out of NME Dar coverage until your final Turn from the N direct to F 80. . Small Diversion force can Rendezvous with Strike force on the 2 line halfway between 2.4x and 2.5x then provide escort.

Squad Co's: Aircraft of your choice but the more TBF's the better as we will have a lot more bombs and can send in AI to strike. Remember the 4th fighters will provide escort cover once they rendezvous with you.

After all ord has been dropped, TBF's should RTB direct to F91/F89. Fighters can escort TBF's home if there are Jap fighters, or can straff to cleanup if opportunity presents itself... but don't get caught low!.... You are not given permission to die!

The rest of the night, with the NME DAR down in our area, we can go direct from our bases in Port Moresby to Buna. Our mission is to level and close 80, 81 and 82. There are a lot of targets, but we can get this done if we do it right.

The grey tents and the camouflaged structures need a lot of ammo to staff down, so do not attempt to staff them...use bombs.

Hangers, fuels, small structures and parked aircraft can be straffed.

I will stay on the ground for the first 10 minutes to see if the Japs break our radar, with possible intent of hitting our bases. I will launch at T+10 and join the 4th, but will monitor the buffer.

Good Luck.

Frame 3.jpg
Frame 3.jpg [ 944.83 KiB | Viewed 3042 times ]

Author:  nookyb [ Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  F80 targets

F80 Targets

FIELD 80 TARGETS.jpg [ 490.01 KiB | Viewed 3031 times ]
F80 DAR.jpg
F80 DAR.jpg [ 259.62 KiB | Viewed 3040 times ]

Author:  nookyb [ Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  F81 targets

F81 targets

F 81 TARGETS.jpg
F 81 TARGETS.jpg [ 395.83 KiB | Viewed 3040 times ]

Author:  nookyb [ Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  F82 Targets

F82 Targets

FIELD 82 TARGETS.jpg [ 495.53 KiB | Viewed 3040 times ]

Author:  Beaver [ Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NGD frame 3 Orders

RCAF copies....AE let's use TAC 16

We will bring 3 Hvy P39D's or P400's

Nice Target Dope Nooky

Author:  swanee [ Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NGD frame 3 Orders

AE orders received.

I'll let the guys know we will have TAC 16 operating.


Author:  nookyb [ Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NGD frame 3 Orders ***Update***

Allies will have an amphibious assault on Buna starting at T+15. They will hit the beach at T+30 (ish) Our 1st wave should be there about T+30-40.

Once our 1st wav has dropped, we may want to keep some fighters in the area to protect our ground assault.

I suggest 4th FG with drop tanks remain to cap Buna as they will have extra fuel. Once the 2nd wave of AE's and RCAF come back to Buna, 4th FG can go rearm and refuel.

Remember the most important target in our 1st wave is the DAR tower at F80!

****I updated a map (it said F81 but it was field 80...now correct***

Author:  Beaver [ Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NGD frame 3 Orders

Nooky, the tents that need bombs, did you try to strafe them with the P39D's 37mm cannon?

Author:  nookyb [ Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NGD frame 3 Orders

Ok I just tried. I dropped a 500lber on 6 tents. 2 went down. I was able to staff the others down no problem. I would say try and drop a bomb on them 1st to soften them up...then they should straff no problem.

I would suggest holding down your machine gun trigger to get your aim. remember the cannon rounds drop a bit...then trigger one or two at a time at the tent with cannon. so as not to waste the rounds.

A tent that is not damaged will take over 10 cannon rounds which will use up your cannon ammo fast.

Author:  Muzz [ Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NGD frame 3 Orders

Ref IJA/IJN radar coverage. The two artillery fields NW up the coast from Buna both have RdrStns (F69 and F70). There are no other RdrStns in the Buna area. If RdrStns are providing coverage, then knocking out the emitter at F80 may not be enough to blind the axis.

If we have radar coverage over F79/F80, then it must be coming from our RdrStn at F77 along the Kokoda trail. If that is true, then the Axis will have additional radar coverage north and east of the 2,4 cross.

For consideration.

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