S3 Series

Doolittle's Raiders Plan
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Author:  Darryl [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Doolittle's Raiders Plan

The Doolittle's Raiders will be based at F10. After hitting first targets at F153 and F141, we may need to rebase at F32, depending on enemy traffic.

F153 (sortie #1)
F141 (sortie #1)
F191 (sortie #2)

Plane: IL2 (various loadouts)

Flying NOE to targets along the river from F10 to F153 and F141. We will not be on enemy radar during entire first sortie.

Request: 4th FG and any other Fighter Groups available to cover us would be helpful. We'd like to have our fighter cover to move to cap the area around F193 as a diversion. Then, once we begin hitting the targets, we may need you to fall back over us.

Request #2: On second sortie, we'd like to have our fighter cover to clear us into F193.

Darryl <S>
CO of Doolittle's Raiders

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