S3 Series

AAR - frame CO/4th FG, MvM frame 5
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Author:  Robert [ Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  AAR - frame CO/4th FG, MvM frame 5

<S> Allies!
Thank you all for an intense frame and for great cooperation and fighting hard.
* The communication between squads was great. CO orders were followed with professionalism.
* I need to resist the temptation to go airborne when sitting as the CO so that I can better keep the strategic overview. I lost three planes for no kills so wasn't of much help anyway. :D :oops:
* F1 is hard to close, and we sure made it even harder for them by putting up an aggressive defence.
* Offensive bomber raids seems a good tactic against a side that doesn't expect it.

--= REPORT =--
All squads climbed and got in position as the Luftwaffe sent their early scrappers as expected. Unfortunately the enemy scrappers turned south just as the trap was about to shut. We did catch them over F1 though and a large fight ensued where we had the numbers on them for a good time. The fight dragged on longer than I had calculated though and their bombers hit F1 just as many British fighters were rearming and climbing back up. The Heinkels did good damage to Dover while losing a few bomber crews. Sporadic fighting continued afterwards against Messerschmitts.

The AE's/Knights/RCAF kept defending Dover, and the 4th FG sent volunteer pilots to land at F37 and re-up in B-25C's. The assigned 4th FG escort fighters kept supporting at F1 until it was time to RV with the our B-25C's. The Germans had no defence for our bombing raid and both F9 and F8 were destroyed. Our B-25C's egressed and returned to England while the now freed up escort fighters managed to intercept and bring down enemy bombers hunting our shipping. Meanwhile our defenders at Dover intercepted incoming bombers mid-channel and reports showed several enemy bombers being shot down.

During the remainder of the frame the fighting was intense south east of Dover and we managed to twart the Luftwaffe from destroying F1. Fighter losses were probably heavier on our side than theirs, but we brought down many enemy bombers and closed two enemy airfields. We might have won this frame.
--= END REPORT =--

<S> and thank you all for making the CO job smooth by quickly responding to orders and making sound decisions on the fly. Great job all!

Author:  Darryl [ Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AAR - frame CO/4th FG, MvM frame 5

Nice planning sir. I especially liked the colorful charts and recon photos. Well-done. We were figuring that you would defend F1 heavily, so opted out of continuing the attack to go for shipping.

Darryl <S>

Author:  Beaver [ Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AAR - frame CO/4th FG, MvM frame 5

Nice job of COing :)

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