S3 Series

MVM FRAME 4 Orders
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Author:  Besea [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  MVM FRAME 4 Orders

I haven't seen any scoring or map updates..so I going to go by memory.. I believe 6,18,19,32 are closed.. we saved 68 last frame. we need to keep it open this frame because we need the dar from that site.

the obvious targeting choice for enemy is still C1.. but I will plan for a multiple base run of 68 34 or C74.

RCAF F34 aircraft your choice. roll t+0. protect 68.. throw a few scouts out over channel.. to catch low stukas.. before they can get bombs out.. stay flexible for enemy buff run around T+40.. they be high like all previous frames..

4th F35 aircraft your choice .roll t+0. grab to 8 7 5 enemy will forward sweep with high 109's show your selves but keep safe ..then retire to reform get alt back and wait for vector to enemy hvy buffs.. stay loose be flexible

AE's/Nights F33 aircraft your choice. roll T+0 grab alt to 7 7 3..when 4th engages enemy foward sweep. swing in over C1 trying to catch in pincer.. clear the area.. then fall back and regroup get alt and await for enemy hvy buffs stay loose nd flexible.

if C1 is there main TGT they can make multiple sorties. on that tgt.. I believe they do what they have done last 3 frame shows us one tgt but hit others with a smaller strike packages .

guys fly smart.. stay loose ..stay flexible

Author:  nookyb [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MVM FRAME 4 Orders

Thanks besea.

Strategically speaking, the LW has done a very good job. They have learned from the mistake Hitler made. (not destroying all of the RAF bases) This has us on our heels. If they keep up this tactic, look for them to close 34 and 35 and save the strike on F1 for the last frame. If they close 34 and 35, it will be virtually impossible to protect F1.

If they get us on too defensive of a position over 34-35, they may take the advantage to hit F1 this frame. I would say we still need to press them back over the channel to keep them from hitting us deep....of course then they could pull an NOE stuka attack on us like they did last week.

Either way we have our work cut out for us this frame.

Good luck!

Author:  Robert [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MVM FRAME 4 Orders

Lessons from last frame:

1) The Bf 109E is faster than our fighters above 20k. However we can fight them at high altitudes if following jedijcs tactics by dropping flaps on the Spitfire and scissoring back and forth as a defensive maneuver. If done correctly the Bf 109 cannot stay behind you and will overshoot. We dueled at high altitude in the practice arena I overshot every time in my Bf 109E vs Jedijc in his Spitfire I when he dropped flaps and made it a scissor fight. In frame 3 I had two bandits on my tail at 24k ft and got them both to overshoot using this tactic.

2) When attacking bombers with escorts, blow through a single pass and extend. Then come back only once having regained altitude to make another pass. In frame 3 the 4th FG sought out the climbing bombers aggressively and attacked them mid channel. Around 2/3 of the 4th FG pilots chopped their throttle in the attack, some stayed on the tail of the buffs just to get a kill and some even tried to make several passes on the buffs. These pilots were quickly killed by the Messerschmitts. Every single one of them. The pilots who survived were the ones who made a single pass at 300+ mph, then extended at 400 mph and ran away, climbing back up for another pass once clear of enemies. This tactic usually works for any fighter match-up, but especially against Messerschmitts that start to get heavy controls above 300 mph IAS. They definitely cannot chase you at speeds above 400 mph IAS since their elevator is to heavy to operate at this speed, and if they follow you at 400+ mph IAS you can just break into another direction and the 'Scmitt will continue straight forward. The Allied pilots often used this to their advantage in ww2, and especially the P-51 pilots knew that as long as they kept their speed high, the otherwise more maneuverable Bf 109's posed little threat.


Author:  Besea [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MVM FRAME 4 Orders

Good points NookyB...I honestly deep in my gut tell me there are going to close airfield 34 and 35...my guy tells me they will make a run from N to S...passing over 68 first ...making a duel tgt run...if they dont choose that path..you can bet while we are engaging the buff stream...they will have low stuka's hit 68 ..timed out correctly with the limited resources this would be destarous...I hoping I can spot enemy buffs on dar til interspet over channel..the first sweep of fighters will pull back as a warning..because Darryl always demands heavy escorts...
Like last frame there's was good warning to the enemy buff positions we was able to intercept then..it was only 2 buffs that made it 32..they used jabo fighters to finish it off...
I expect much of the same this frame..

We just going to haft to fly smart and be aggressive at the same time...

Author:  Beaver [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MVM FRAME 4 Orders

RCAF confirms orders received :)

Author:  nookyb [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MVM FRAME 4 Orders

Thanks Robert...good stuff to remember.

Good luck tonight gents!

Author:  Beaver [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MVM FRAME 4 Orders

Besea, just to remind you that when a DAR is closed it is down the rest of that frame and the next frame while i repairs, that means 65 and the two DAR's just south of F6 will be up at the start of this frame.

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