“Tonight you are going to the Big City. You will have the opportunity to light a fire in the belly of the enemy that will burn his black heart out.” -Arthur ‘Bomber’ HarrisAttachment:
BigB.jpg [ 91.52 KiB | Viewed 3206 times ]
Taking B-17s downtown to the Big-B! This will be a big push to the heart of enemy territory and is going to be demanding on endurance, gas, and ammo.
B-17s are launching from LF-1 in Great Britain and flying a SE heading into the continent. They will pick up an Easterly Heading to avoid Early Warning Radar as long as possible. Rally Point for escort with bombers is just East of Turn Point 1 (TP1). This is prior to them being on radar.
Frame 4 routing.jpg [ 175.78 KiB | Viewed 3206 times ]
Bomber aircraft Ord and FuelSee Gum’s Post
FightersAll fighters will be in P-51Ds, with 108 Drop tanks and full internal. You are advised to burn external (select on Runway) then switch to internal. See Fuel considerations for details.
23rd –Based T36--Part of Decoy flight
4th—Based M24—Part of Decory Flight.
352nd—Based L27--Close Escort with Bombers
There may be time for a quick Defensive Combat Air Patrol sortie before you need to launch for primary role. It is IMPERATIVE you make you arrival times.
Night Stalkers I am waiting on word for your request.
RolesDecoy Flights4th will launch from M24 and fly WEST to set up to overfly TP D1 and be on heading to TP D2. They will do this to cross TP D1 at T+35 and start climbing at a 150 Climb Speed in close formation to mimic buffs. -- Edited due to input from Noflyz that you will be on Dar earlier then I thought, so it is important you are on track when you cross TP1.
23rd will launch from Tac36 and climb West to intercept the 4th and pick up “escort” role. YOU WILL BE ON THEIR RADAR! So climb up, and look like fighters picking up the buffs. Once you turn East at TP D2, you can push it up to fighter speed.
The intent is two fold: cause confusion/ give them a sight picture they have been seeing the last 3 frames, and try to create a gas/timing issue for the LW and forcing them to commit to attack pre target or commit to post target attack. If you get engaged early, cycle those who need to replane due to fuel/ammo/damage. They can pick up the “baton” on Buff Escort for RTB as I expect 352nd to be in an ammo issue state. If we get word early on of incoming strikers, you are cleared to send a 4 ship to interdict at your discretion. This is one of those frames where we are at a “whose line is it anyway-- where points don’t matter and Buffs to and from Berlin with Bombs on Target and minimal losses do.”
Close Escort352nd will roll L27 as escort to pick up Buffs with a RENDEVOUS TIME OF T+50 over F27 with the requirement of being AT the buffs altitude (25k) when they rejoin. They will fly close escort and send guys home to cycle as fuel/ammo/damage dictate. Cycling aircraft should get back to rejoin with Buffs to provide coverage for RTB legs.
Late comers to the frame for fighters will serve as initial Defensive Combat Air Patrols (CAP), and will be called to cycle to pick up Buff escort on RTB as well.
Fuel Considerations Full Burn rate at altitude is 20 gallons per Grid, or .5 gallons per mile. This is important knowledge: Pony carries 269 Gallons internal which gives you 13 grid range or 520 miles. External fuel is 216 gallons: Range of 432 miles. Round trip distance for Decoy group is 700 miles, Full range with External is ~950 miles. Externals are required to make the trip….and hopefully you can make it 150+miles before having to jettison tanks.
DTF with both routes attached.
Questions please ask! Fighters direct questions to me, Bombers to Gums. A big thank you to Gums for helping with the Bomber side of the house.