Fighters set-up a bar CAP across the Front. RCAF/8th FG CAP from Shipping Lanes to Bardia. 352nd from Bardia to just South of F-77. 4th FG, self-CAP of tank-busting operations. CAP aircraft should expect the Raiders at approx. T+30.
Raiders attack coastal villes. Rinse and Repeat as necessary. There are lots of targets at F-79, F-59. Closure of either field is not the object, but would be nice.
Hurris attack tank columns. CAP your operations, call for help from central front CAP, if necessary. When tired of tank attack, join the Front CAP, patroling the Southern Sector.
Bases/Tasks4th FG --- F-7. Hurri IIB. TO at T=0 for tank column attack. CAP over your own operations. Expect assistance, when needed, by the 352nd.
RCAF/8th FG --- F-56. P-40B. TO at T=15. Pay attention on lift off. It's "interesting". CAP from just North of your base to the shipping lanes. Assist in Front bar CAP. Assist Raiders through target area.
352nd FG --- F-22. P-40B. TO at T=15. Set up central portion of a front bar CAP. Assist to the North and South as necessary.
Doolittle Raiders: F-62. B-25D. TO at T=0. Attack the depot and village fields at F-59 and F-79. LOTS of targets are available there. Join-up with the RCAF/8th FG over water north of the targets at T+30. Rinse and repeat as necessary.
Target FieldsNote that there is a Radar Station here. Taking out that facility would assist the Allied effort.Radar Station located here. Kill it!<S>