S3 Series

AE report:
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Author:  bluzoo [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  AE report:

Well spent all week testing bomb strength / destruct to get it right. Even tested P39 37mm strength against bridges etc.
"DIDN'T WANT REPEAT OF LAST WEEKs", dissapointment.

Sortie 1) closure field. We operated out of field 127 to west ingressing noe and penetrating to north of targets. I felt most threat warning to enemy would be south over bay and we would get in the back door. As we approached to ne of target it went down, so mission changed to taking out what ack or hards we could for others to follow.
(Warning in helmat:>.. Saw that bomb take target down.. why isnt this 37mm killing anything.)
(Also of note "no gamma " targets were darn near impossible to aquire in this terrain.
As we passed through in the weeds we dropped ord on 148 passing out north of 16 strafing any ack or target of opertunity that got in way.
As were outrunning what seemed like a mob of dogs we discussed how cannon weren't seeming effective. Another 20 east we saw a furball to north and turned to assist finding 23 having just finished a fight and the furball dissinigrating. RTB and land.
Sortie 2) We now hear of Airfield 163 deeper in their territory has one target for closure.
We headed more northernly. Figured interceptors would be all over Main port area or a big fur ball there. Niether of which we needed to get involved with to accopmlish the mission.
We heading west past 145 and curved down to aproach. Poped in perfect position and nailed the plane there. This closed the base.
We then proceeded to 295, "figured back door would get slamed on us" , Where we expended all ord in a fast pass through. Destroying targets including some AAA.
Took formation hard to south over water trying to place mostl likely interceptor patrol position. As I turned east on the south shore It was reported just so. We had two strong groups looking despiratly.
One north / one south .. We stayed down low and made it back out.
Sortie 3) ORD still bothering me.. We need a sortie we can get points. ( 140 )
During the week I had hit this one repeatedly. This is the home of the nutorious "CARRIER". Had tested it again and again. Had killed A WM weapon with guns on yak , carriers(trucks ) I could strafe down, Bridges took 4 hits with 37mm to take span down. This was all tested and verified before this S3)
So everything duable, we pack up and head out. Looks like fighting now toward south bank of esctuary and thats good. No contacts up our way. So In we go NOE to 145 then follow the river north keying on bridge. two 40mms assigned pilots .. and away we go. The bombs all worked fine, two ack down and a couple secondary targets. Came back through to strafe "can't see a dang thing till too late" ( no gamma ), now I'm pissed vehicles the size of kids toys and terrian light like 10 minutes before dark. Decide one thing can get is bridge! Dive on bridge ..5 rounds .. nothing .. I cant believe this. I look around and no one else getting anything.. Weve been here to long .. So just to comfirm my bridge results I make one more pass with 7 more rounds in same span ..nothing... I call to break and get out.
This is followed by one of our pilots yelling.... " CONS ... THERES A WHOLE PACK.. TO SOUTH COMING FAST :!: " I'd screwed up :!: :!: Overstayed time over target.

They ran us down like dogs and the end was swift.

LESSONS: If we'd made our two passes like should have and got out.. would have been ok.. But trusting the dang game settings threw me out from what I knew were sound tactical methods and cost the command.
(All" these gun / target settings should be standard no mater what areana or time. This is just insane).
LA-5 much prefered attack bomber over P39Q. The Q gun doesn't work! LA5 better defencive visibility, much faster on deck, more manuverable on deck, carries 2 bombs each thus twice the offencive power option.
At least for our purpose. Maybe someone has gotten the 37mm to work?

COMMENTS: Really Really getting frustrated with weapons that don't work and targets that have nothing like a visual real life represtation. We need gamma back.
Bet I put 4 37mm round in a 88 by 73, wingman in trail added more.. next guy in line says target intact when we left area. Thats just insane.

Heheh: Had a flash back to book I read on Fauklands war and was thinking :" Now this must be just what the argi pilots were thinking as they dropped on the British ships with their defective bombs." 100 miles on deck, navigation on target, aquire, make attack, release, evade evade evade, only to "know" you had to hit it but can't verify it. (In fact most had hit and bombs had passed through or not exploded."

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