S3 Series

AAR Doolittle's Raiders
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Author:  Darryl [ Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  AAR Doolittle's Raiders

First, thanks to BESEA for leading the Allies into battle. Tough series, for sure. Thanks also to JABO and company for their hard work each series.

The Doolittle's Raiders were assigned to destroy industry targets at F16. We took off from F25 and climbed to 11K feet on ingress when we were told that we would not have fighter support. We had to make a couple of jogs around while the leadership determined the enemy was near our assigned target. There was a little confusion in the buffer as to what they wanted us to do. But, when we were told we had one chance to get in, we took it. The enemy engaged us immediately after our drop and chased us out of town. We lost a few pilots as we tried to land short at F200. The squad picked up one enemy a/c kill.

We watched the radar and the buffer while waiting to hear from leadership whether we could take off and return to F25. It was busy overhead, but soon the enemy was seen to be moving away from F200 and we took our chances by quickly taking off noe and returned safely to F25 to begin our second sortie back to F16.

The industrial complex at F16 was too large for us to complete with the a/c and loadouts that came with the B25C. I contacted leadership about a secondary target, but none was determined, so we made our second pass over F16 destroying more targets. The enemy appeared out of nowhere and we rushed back toward F200 for the second time of the night. We lost another pilot to enemy action.

Fog of war being what it is, I think we may have had friendly fighters overhead at some point. If so, thanks to all!

JABO cleared us to land at F200 and instructed us to stand down for the night.

Darryl <S>

Author:  =vslp= [ Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AAR Doolittle's Raiders

Sorry D. 23rd had orders to cap 182/16 area at d+15. Orginal info given from youse guys were that you would be TOT at T+20...so figgered all was well, when your TOT changed to T+28 well, we had already dropped tanks and had fule calculated out....was way to long a time to hang out there and we got smacked down pretty good trying to stick around the extra 10 min, so, your fighter cover was there when you asked for it.....but couldn't be when you got there.
We all need to work on our coordinated assaults and when we gonna meet people. I had a devil of a time figgering out how we were gonna do that, and had it worked out........timing would have been great, as it turned out, it was so so but could have been worse...shame 16 couldn't go down all way, it'll be rebuilt next frame. Good job getting what you could.
Good news is that radar is down at 182 and 263 is closed so....we still got good targets left at 73/16 and the ships just north of 182 along the rver...perhaps we can capitalize better next time

Author:  Besea [ Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AAR Doolittle's Raiders

nice effort DR.. pass along a Crisp snappy <S> to the rest of the guys
like Vslp said once that TOT and 23rd and 4th refueling .. the enemy them move into area . i tried to vector you around and keep you safe i had you abort that run fist run then re engage it a little later was to let tgt area clear.. other wise we lost the whole squad and i dont like to take losses ..
after you all regrouped and relaunched for youre second run .. thats where my mistake came in am i sorry for that: i watched you lauch and waited to late but i should of sent you to 21 in south . but didnt relise it til you was lmost to tgt ..
<S> great job

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