Coolon wrote:
perhaps the buffs grabbing in a racetrack over England, allowing the fighters to position themselves then when the fighters are ready they give the go sign to the buffs and we go straight in... (we got tons of fuel to spare)
maybe a single fighter group grabbing ne slightly to give an impression early of a north sea run... but mostly just try to all get in position rather than feints.
I don't know if my numbers were wrong but I tried a racetrack and found there is no time to do it. We can only afford 2 grids of vertical flying before heading east towards target unless we hit a westward target (maybe 39 or 40).
So, like we talked on TS last night, about the only option we have is to head straight south from 110 at T-30 to the 0,6 cross, head towards Leipzig maybe? At least then the fighters can up in front of the buffs.
BUT we still have the same problem, as soon as the lites drop tanks they have about 10min of escort then they have to RTB and there is no way they can fight with tanks.