S3 Series

TWF 1 Orders
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Author:  zinhwk [ Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  TWF 1 Orders


Unless there is any further input, these will be the final orders.

-Ignore the field colors as the arena had bugs in setup at time of recon.
-Map is in game with a radar dotfile. A master mission DTF will be attached to these orders no later than Sunday morning.
-The primary emphasis is skirting the edges and snag as many points as possible. The enemy outnumbers us in fighters. I hope to take that advantage away by engaging in our territory when we can see them and they can't see us.
-This is a small terrain so expect action early and changing fast.


Night Stalkers (1 step)
Field: 84
A/C: Your Choice

Mission 1: Shipping lanes from F1 and F2. Ships are worth 2 pts each. Watch radar from F1/F2/F77. Friendly support will be limited as resources are tight.

Mission 2: Outposts 69 and 30. Depending on early frame outcomes, Luftflotte 6 will be your primary support.

Knights/69th (3 steps total)
Field: 24 (both bombers and fighters)
A/C: Your Choice

Mission 1: Closure of Field 22, any extra ordinance expend on surrounding outposts. Keep in mind fields are spread out and no two are identical. Recommend altitude bombing. You will have time to climb while fighter groups feel out opposition. Coordinate with JG 352 for escort in and out of enemy territory. Recommend quick escape to the southeast if things get hot.

Mission 2: Depending on available resources consider targeting in the southern region. Arty 58 is off enemy dar and worth 4 pts. I would like to get 92 if possible.

JG 352 (4 steps)
Field: 90
A/C: Your Choice

Primary Mission: Patrol south of 3 line and escort Knights/69th into enemy airspace. Make note of enemy dar coverage for ambush zones. Luftflotte 6 will be north for support in heavy engagements.

Secondary Mission: Destroy ground targets of opportunity.

Luftlotte 6 (3~steps)
Field: 83 (excessive step spillage F6)
A/C: Your Choice

Primary Mission: Patrol north of 3 line. Make note of enemy dar coverage for ambush zones. You will be primary support for Night Stalkers on their second mission. JG 352 will be south for support in heavy engagements.

Secondary Mission: Destroy ground targets of opportunity.

Author:  jabo [ Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TWF 1 Orders

Ships toughness will be the same as the MA so you can conduct tests there. As usual only expect moving DDs and FRs. The boats and transports dont seem to work as AI.

Author:  Hawk [ Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TWF 1 Orders

Rock and Roll time!

Author:  dewolf [ Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TWF 1 Orders

Time co-ordination for our short-legged fighters will be critical. Two of our available aircraft have endurance in the "40 minute" range, one has a whole 50 minutes. As always, when, where, and at what altitude, and we'll arrange a target area sweep for the Knights.

Author:  Hawk [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TWF 1 Orders


Let me know how much time will need to sweep forward. We are going to come in low and fast. We know these bases so if we can get in, we can take them out of play.


Author:  zinhwk [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TWF 1 Orders

Attached is the DTF I will be using. It includes each basing, enemy radar range, tank positions, and AI routine lines.

Good luck gentlemen, and lady.

TWF1.dtf [2.29 KiB]
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