S3 Series

CKC Frame 2 orders
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Author:  Todzilla [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  CKC Frame 2 orders

Epic with the 352nd came up with the first draft of the plans for Frame 2 on Sunday. He is off to Jamaica on Friday so the rest will be a group effort.

Preliminary Plan
Have the Knights roll from 21 in Ju88's.... rendezvous with 352nd at 6.1X. and proceed to 32 for closure. We will provide cover and roll from F-221(2 step) and F-261(1 step). When close re-up and close F-2 and kill everything that comes near us....

JG 51 and JG 77 roll from (184) (2 step) fighter sweep the Northern sector east of 6 Vertical. Protect base in area...Kill everything!

Tk-VFA-221(F-7) -Haze-(F-11) roll hvy close F-208 and port 52...then close (F-17) if time permits...kill any bad guys!

Did we miss anyone? Questions, comments, concerns?

Author:  zinhwk [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders

Sounds like a plan.

Just a recommendation based on observations and AAR's:

It would be better for the Ju's to come in from high altitude and utilize the "Norden". Hold back off dar until the fighter sweep gives the all clear. We lost 2 strike groups flying low into hot zones. So many times we had opportunity to close 32, but no strikers were available, or targets could not be seen.

Based on the S-6 stats, the 109s are owning the skies out of the gate. Of the 33 109s lost, only 16 were due to enemy aircraft while the 109s blew 36 Russkies out of the sky(2.25:1)!

How do you bring up the "required targets" list? I'll recon detail photos and even drum up a dtf locating the necessary targets....need 32 dead.

Author:  briar [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders

Received and relayed to JG51.


Author:  timos [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders

Agree about the Ju88s coming in higher. There is no advantage to us in quick attacks or NOE attacks. The 109s absolutely own the air. The Haze used 4 109s to scatter and run off 12 Yak 9s no problem. We can push them down below the buffs. If our buffs are patient enough the fighters can completely clear the space and they will have no threats.

Author:  Hawk [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders

Does anyone have intel what is left at 32? We only saw 1 building standing and I would hate to waste our JU-88s on just 1 building. Maybe have another one close by in the event we do get it close as well.

Author:  pipe [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders


I believe the fields rebuild in between frames if not closed, so 32 will have to be hit like its fresh.

Author:  -Epic- [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders

Hawk Bases are rebuilt after every frame. Let me know the alt and grid and 352nd will meet ya there....higher the better. I'll recommend the 487th FS and 328th FS of the 352nd sweep ahead of the buffs to Cap 32. I'll leave the 486th FS to provide close escort..You'll be provided with 20 escorts for your bombers.....more than enough to drive off the Commies! 32 must be closed! After 32 is annihilated....F18-F19 should be targeted next...These are grass 1 step fields.....close them. Knights will base at F-21 352nd 2 steps at F 221 and 1 step at F-261

From Jabo:
You don't need the tower or the AAA at 32. Need the parked a/c and all other structures. Very close in Frame 1.

352nd if no enemy fighter are present and the Knight are done destroying shit.....close F-17 If time permits.....if not... no problem mon!

JG51 and JG 77 Field 181(MED) is vital for our push North-East it must be defended....we have 4 airfields in the area F-181,184,182,263. Also number of ports...boats..factories that need protected. Keep these from closing! You will be based at F-184
Sweep The area from 5.4 grid-8.4 grid.....Kill all present!! If no action is occurring in the North. Doc and Loo get tanks and sweep South.....Kill! I have you at 14 pilots +/- for 77/51.......is this about right? You guys will have a lot of latitude with the orders here......I want you guys dealing out death!!

TK/2pilots 211/1pilot Haze/5 pilots and Thor..... From your Numbers last week ...will these be same? -/+? I need to have an idea of total strength.

I would like to base all of you at F-7.....Roll Hvy 109's and close F-208(grass field) and Small port 52. After that Fighter sweep to protect the front lines in 7.1 and 7.2 grids. If you have any other targets in mind......Make it happen, but coordinate with the rest of the squads...in case you run into some trouble.

<S> Epic

Author:  Jman [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders


Glad to see you can get ready for the trip AND plan a frame!!

Author:  jabo [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders

You don't need the tower or the AAA at 32. Need the parked a/c and all other structures. Very close in Frame 1.

Author:  dewolf [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKC Frame 2 orders

12. Frame Damage - fields closed during play will remain so for the rest of the series, they will be destroyed before the next frame begins with all associated objects. Any partial damage will rebuild between frames, only those fields closed will be carried over from frame to frame.

Here's a graphic representation of Mr. Epic's thoughts on bases. Should it be the case that COs, and/or Squad flight planners have comments, this is the place to make them.


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