S3 Series

Knights frame 2 AAR
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Author:  Hawk [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Knights frame 2 AAR

Tonight was a complete failure for us even though Swede and company had a great plan.

We lifted from 38 and started our climb toward 56 and 56 with only 3 Knight escorts. Due to a time limit, we decided to shoot the slot (my bad). We felt this would keep us in range of any other friendly fighter that could help us out. This was one of many mistakes.

We leveled at 15k and and with 30 miles of our target the 352nd spotted us. We were amazed how they were able to climb to us, catch up with up and shoot us down with easy.

We asked for help but none arrived and this left a empty feeling knowing we were on a death mission. Even though we made it to the target, we were not able to close the port and all of us died.

Here are the problems I see need to be address.

1. How could the 352nd run us down like they did?
2. How were they able to hit us when not in icon range?
3. Why were our 20 cals worthless?

We should had been able to do damage them them and our bullets just bounced off them like rubber. We were told the guns would be updated this week and I am wondering if there were not.

This has left a real sour feeling to my guys and hope this will be addressed in the future.

Author:  =vslp= [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR

The guns were updated this week and the same as main arena settings as well as plane damage per jabo's announcment

Author:  hitman [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR

Hawk sorry to hear. By the time we saw in the buffer what was going on we had 30 of them bastages below us. They were pissed tryin to climb up to us. We were to far away to assist you guys and even if we did try we would have brought even more disappointment. We found out last night to shoot at the left wing tip an the Wildcat an it goes down. Forget tryin for the tail or main body it does nothing. Again keep your guys in good spirits I feel your pain. Every Frame we fight the same group out numbered and our opitions are stay high and wait (which is boring the guys) or drop in and take our chances and wait for the 3rd element to come in an slughter us. <S> Knights!

Author:  timos [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR

You have a great group doing some of the toughest mission profiles imaginable. It was a pleasure having skinez on TS with us later in the night.

The icon ranges are d6 according to the rules. It seemed to me that the color comes in at d6 maybe but the distance comes in at d3? Just a guess there. I too agree that those 50s reach out way too far. 700 yards is an insanely long shot. Some of those bastards can hit targets at those ranges on a consistent basis though, especially with main arena settings.

For frame 3 I think to be successful, the knights need to hit the targets where the enemy is not. Our biggest advantage against the "cats" is exposing their poor fuel duration. That may mean the knights hit targets later rather than ASAP, or targets that are not in range of the enemy airfields. I know you have to head out early most S3s but I am concerned that hitting anything early is gonna be a bust.

The good thing is ack seems pretty weak and targets soft this series so when you guys get in to a cleared target you guys will really clean up!

Author:  Hawk [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR

=vslp= wrote:
The guns were updated this week and the same as main arena settings as well as plane damage per jabo's announcment

Can someone still look into this because our guns really did nothing to them and how were they able to run us down like that still remains a mystery.

Author:  Hawk [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR

timos wrote:
It seemed to me that the color comes in at d6 maybe but the distance comes in at d3? Just a guess there. I too agree that those 50s reach out way too far. 700 yards is an insanely long shot. Some of those bastards can hit targets at those ranges on a consistent basis though, especially with main arena settings.

Thank you Timos and I am Frame CO next one so, I'll have to come up something tha does just that. Hitman, <S> I understand. It just left a sinking feeling in us knowing that we were once again shark food for the 352nd. This the FM really needs to be looked at but I don't think it will but that's just the way it is.

Thanks again all!


Author:  Swede- [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR

<S> Hawk and the Knights,

Hindsight is always better then foresight, should have had more escort with you, kudos to those who made it the target, have always noticed with the Japanese aircraft that all projectiles tend to fall off target quick, and the 50 calibers seem to be laser guided (unless it is me flying in which case ...) Thank you for trying to complete the mission, It is hard to make plans knowing some will be lost, but will chalk this up to experience and overcome it next time.

<S> Knights


Author:  Hawk [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR


You did a great job on the planning phase. To those that have never CO a frame don't understand what we go through planning one. My biggest mistake was deciding to shoot the Slot because of my time was limited. I should had gone more North like you planned. Dieing is part of it, but seeing how the 352nd was so far away, climb and catch up with us creates a lot of questions how they were able to do so with deadly consequence.

Author:  Beaver [ Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR

Hawk, what was your True Ground Speed when the Wildcats were able to climb and catch you?

Author:  Hawk [ Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Knights frame 2 AAR


I should had noted that and I'll see if I captured it on my ACMCAM. If I did, I'll let you know.

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