S3 Series

AAR Frame 5 (#125 RAM) Surface ship attack
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Author:  Coolon [ Mon Oct 25, 2021 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  AAR Frame 5 (#125 RAM) Surface ship attack

Choice of aircraft was:
SM79 (he-111 sub) with torpedo
Ju87 bombs only.

Orders are to attack the naval task force south east of Malta while other RA assets attack the fleet in the harbor (Frame 4)

It was decided to roll from 205 as it was the closest airstrip to the estimated location of the surface units. Our goal is to overwhelm the air defense and get in close enough to sink both carriers.

We were not able to form together as one group but had several brave souls out in small groups searching out the location of the fleet. The JU swarm was grabbing east then south to come in at altitude.. we were well behind the scouts and thus were able to learn the location due to their sacrifice.

Hurricanes came across the individuals and there were several fierce engagements between defending fighters and bombers trying to survive. Messages came in of our comrades falling along with several of the defenders. Finally the ships were sighted... frantic radio calls were being broadcast and the information came to light. The stuka swarm headed direct to target as well as several he111s. Hurricanes were sighted and broke into the group, but Riffer was able to take out one right away allowing us to get in closer. it was so much going on that I will only be able to relate my experience and overal thoughts.

I was able to send my wingmen in on the right carrier, much of the rest of the group was attacking the one to our left. As I carried 250kg bombs I knew that multiple hits would be required. Wingmen bracketed the target and may have hit a few times... I dove in and let loose my 3 bombs, pulled up and ran north. My bombs hit for the most part but I didnt linger to investigate. I had to dodge a line of destroyers to the north and one of the hurricanes followed me.. I ran as fast as I could but eventually had to try to evade attacks. many turns weaves and such, my rear seater was able to get hits on the engine/oil and forced the hurricane to turn back. I made it out, barely. unfortunately I believe I was the only one to survive the first wave. Deak, I believe was able to get a killing shot in on the south carrier as it was reported sunk. in the long, lonely return to base I was able to see several friendlies returning to the attack area. I landed and relaunched to kill the last CV. as I got close it was reported that the last carrier was sunk ... by me.. so congratulations to whoever put the death blow to that cv. I continued and attacked some of the DDs.. my wingmen killed a destroyer (large death explosion heard) I dropped on another but was shredded by the AAA and fell to the sea.

Overall, it was costly but we did accomplish the mission. Salute to the pilots who shouldered the attack without fighter cover.
Okdoc was instrumental in finding and sinking some of the fleet, as well as too many others that I didnt take notes on.

Thanks to Muzz for creating the event! Lets get him some feedback and ideas for future events.

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