S3 Series

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Author:  nookyb [ Wed Jan 13, 2021 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  S3 #122 - THE WINTER WAR FRAME 1 ORDERS

Airmen of Finland!

There has been a nonaggression pact between Finland and Russia since 1932.

However, Stalin is using Germany's recent aggression in Poland as an excuse to annex Finnish territory along the Karelian Isthmus.
We find the Soviets motives suspicious at best.
We will not be bullied by their 'ultimatums'.

We will continue to try and find a peaceful negotiation, but given the hostile nature of the Soviet's recent troop movements
we best be on guard for an invasion.

Mission orders: Be on alert for any Soviet aggression. Priorities of the Finnish Airforce is to defend the Finnish towns and ground units against Russian bombers.

Bonus: If hostilities start, we are in our full right to strike soviet railways* which would supply their troops with food, ammunition, and fuel.

*each side has 2 trains running during the frame. Trains will be 8 Ground vehicles in line on the tracks with a light armored vehicle as the engine...but beware! there may be an aaa gun on the train!

Hyvä onni! (good luck!)

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