S3 Series

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Author:  nookyb [ Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 4

The North Sea. May 15, 1943


The Bismark has been sunk.
Stalingrad is lost.
Two days ago the Afrika Korps and Italian troops in North Africa surrendered to the Allied forces.

Now the Americans have joined in the bombing of Germany.
Either they are very brave or very crazy. While the British have
switched to bombing at night, the Americans continue to send heavy
bombers on daylight missions deep into Germany.

Orders: Field of Choice. Defend Germany from the American bombers.

Author:  -tmoa- [ Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 4

nookyb wrote:
The North Sea. May 15, 1943


The Bismark has been sunk.

Oh? Someone found the damn thing? Good for them!



Author:  nookyb [ Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 4

not looking...not looking :cry:

Fighters have pulled back somewhat.
LW has fighters in Germany (East of the 9 line). In the Netherlands (West of the 9 line) you only have transport planes. Axis pilots ditching at airfields in the Netherland must as such fly a transport back to German airfields and replane into a fighter there. (no teleporting)

This somewhat makes up for the long flying distance for the Allied pilots.


A German Bomber has gone down in the North Sea! Due to the low and heavy cloud cover at the time, their location could not be pinpointed.
However we believe the crew to be alive and adrift in the open sea.

Send a spotter plane to the location and begin a search pattern. When you find the crew, radio into your team channel the location and a rescue Uboat will be sent to pick them up!

LW downed crew will be colored GOLD. If you use a bomber to search (Ju-88), your ai will call out the target when you get close.

At T+10, your side will be given a 10 mile grid to search. Grids are 20 miles. Think of a grid divided into 4 squares.... top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. So downed pilot location will come to you as top left of 5,5 grid or similar.

When you find your downed crew, radio into the RED channel buffer (not ch 100) the location and the icon name (we used a particular vehicle as a stand in for the life rafts). Let the janitors know at the end of the frame that you found your downed crew. Janitors will confirm it in the log when we do scoring and will award your team the 10 bonus points.

Good luck!

*Note, you have Uboats in the North Sea and as in previous frames, are labeled as 'boat' - this is NOT the downed crew.....

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