S3 Series

127 Sentai Frame One
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Author:  Swede- [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  127 Sentai Frame One

127 Sentai upped from Field 7 with 9 pilots in our polished and invincible A6M3s carrying 2 bombs and drop tank, we maneuvered west to avoid the pesky coast watching peeping tom who reports on our every movement., once clear of the coast we turned south to meet up with the bombers of the Knights of Ni. Around the 5.6 cross we began to hover over our charge awaiting news of discovery of the American carrier units. with fuel in the vals running low we were ordered to attack the shipping to our west. With the Knights in tow we found the enemy shipping anchored and capped by our friendly zekes.
We watched as The knights sank freighter and transports along with one Fletcher class destroyer. After they began to rtb we dove in to extract what wrath we could on the surviving DD. This is when we lost one pilot to structural damage from turning to hard wing blew off, he bailed safely. We lost two more pilots to the American DD 's 500 foot invisible mast located amidships. The rest of us turned for home and headed north. Reports of con near 50 and 45 brought us to attention and we vectored in that direction to investigate and since we had alt (29,00 feet) felt we were safe in attacking.
Before the engagement we lost another zeke to structural torque. Engagement of the enemy wildcats proved futile with the invisible armor of the F4f many prolonged hits brought no joy to the brave zeke pilots, and one by one they were shot down over F50. Only one managed to escape, only to be destroyed on his second sortie by the American Fliers.

No claims for victory
possibly 2 pilots KIA
6 bails,
4 MIAs

<S> to sakai for his well thought out plan. Discussion on basing us farther back at start of frame lead us to be grateful that we had time to gain alt and survive as long as we did.
><S> Jabo for nice outline.

Critics ; Dar needs to be checked out. and Could we please get the good gunpowder loaded into our planes along with the non rubberized version of the bullets. We know many of us are not good shots, we better in chutes, but a lot of hits n the enemy aircraft with no damage noted is not good for moral, just not enough saki to make up for that.


Swede- SL 127 Sentai 416 division

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