Sept 1944
Defend the front at all costs. Do not allow the allies to close or capture any positions along the front.
I propose we strike at T+0 116, 118 and 119. All three are grass Fields and should be easy to close and are close together. This is points for our side and removes bases close to the front for the allies to use for recovering damaged aircraft and launch C-47's.
T+0: 352 hit field 116 close and capture JG51 hit field 118 close and capture 4th FG hit field 119 close and capture
once those are closed immediately close supporting Ville Bases 35 and 42
After those 3: 352 hit F113 and 34 close and capture JG51 hit 43 close and capture 4thFG climb and defend 4,4 to 4,3 if there's time, 4th can all pivot to the South and hit 122, 124, 126
Strike hard and Fast....Blitz Krieg!
Das ist alles
SQUADS BASE IN YOUR RESPECTIVE ZONE ON MAP. Same rules apply as before. This is for basing purposes only.
From Wildbill: For this Frame 3, whichever side accomplishes their objectives, Allied capture and hold any 2 of the 6 bases identified on the map (V-b 38, GAF 114, V-b 51, V-b 46, GAF 125 and V-b 39), or Axis prevent that from happening to achieve your objectives, get bonuses. The bonuses for either side for accomplishing their objectives is 20% of your total score added to your total score and $5 in the WarBirds accounts of the winning side. If the allies, as a team score 20,000 points for the entire night, they accomplish any two field capture and hold till 1110, they get an additional 4000 points plus the $5 in the account of any player who player for one hour and has at least 100 points for the night. Same for the Axis for their objective of preventing the above.
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image003.png [ 590.35 KiB | Viewed 2099 times ]

MAP AXIS F3.jpg [ 281.25 KiB | Viewed 2115 times ]
NOOKYB 4th FG 4th But First!
Last edited by nookyb on Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.