S3 Series

Frame 4 orders...
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Author:  split [ Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Frame 4 orders...

Obviously Allied shipping is where our points are. Again we have 15 minutes if not 25 minutes before the Allies arrive. I will keep all informed of the radar picture first sortie.
F111 is the closest airfield to Dieppe for return flights.

The Allies have to cover their fleet better and have to hit some inland targets. Our radar at 107 and 109 will be a prime target, as well as any bridges and tunnels. I would expect NOE attacks there. It is paramount that we keep these 2 dar stations active as a very large gap in our coverage will result from them going down. If we lose these two radars they will be able to fly within 8 miles of Dieppe before breaking on our radar…frame 5 will be tougher as well.

23rd will put up 2 heavy fighters that will bomb shipping, then head to 109 and 107 to defend our radars there.
Others will be asked to cover 107/109 later in the frame to free up our guys for buff runs.

I would like most/all to trade one fighter airframe for a buff run at some point. IF you can’t level bomb then take a heavy fighter each sortie, you can always jettison. Line up and drop smart, weave and change altitude/dive when running away for rtb. Don’t hang around the ack as jabo says there will be more ships, both moving and stationary which means more ack. I’ll be in tower for awhile and will call for more bombers on the second sortie, if the Allies allow it. IF you are returning to Dieppe in a fighter and the situation warrants it by all means carry a bomb for more ships before assuming a fighter role. Frame 3 had the Allied CAP at the ships on the deck and at various altitudes. Again the ships are our best bet for scoring points.

At T=0 we need all pilots to be launching.


4th FG will initially be based at F111.
5-6 lite fighters, balance heavy fighters:
I need the 4th to put up 5-6 light fighters that grab on a heading of 300 or so before going on allied radar. Then you will be directed for harassing the first flight of enemy fighters inbound, probably will be the 352nd. They were at 30k or more frame 3. Don’t be afraid to run before you get in too deep, they will follow. Be an inconvenience to them at the least. IF they pursue you take them anywhere but towards Dieppe if possible, for just a few minutes. Regroup with your squad… The balance of the 4th will grab hard after bombing ships to support the other 4th flight up N or NW. At some point I’d like all 4th pilots to make a buff run on the ships.
After first sortie you are tasked with low to mid alt. cap, as well as some bombing. If the situation warrants it, take bombs then cap.

Luft6 will initially be based at F112
Do17 first sortie then Fighters, lite or heavy for attacking then capping shipping.

8FG will initially be based at F112
Do17 first sortie then Fighters, lite or heavy for attacking then capping shipping.
You may join with Luft6 or 23rd if you so desire.

23FG will initially be based at F112
Do17 first sortie then Fighters, lite or heavy for attacking then capping shipping.

Questions, problems and comments welcome.
Current Radar coverage:

Author:  bombr- [ Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 4 orders to follow...

Scores are up, we won frame 3.

Author:  split [ Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Yep, saw the scores!
I see that jabo has added the penalty planes to the points list though.
Great job everyone frame 3!! Keep up the good work.

Author:  jabo [ Fri Apr 06, 2018 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 4 orders...

Impressive level bombing from the Do17 pilots. Thats the key. If you get down low with 190s you need to just drop your bomb and use your speed to avoid flak. I saw repeated attempts to strafe down the ships that didnt end well. You can tell none of us play the Main :) Just dont strafe ships. Only boats can go down with bullets but they have a weird hitbox so its not worth it. The others have armour that stops any strafing attempts.

Get at them early from medium altitude. Ship flak doesnt seem to get much past 10,000ft but is wicked down low. Escorted Do17s do better in the later missions. I saw several make lone runs into a Spitfire CAP that can see the clump of 4 bombers from very far away.

Good Luck Good Plan

Author:  OhShix [ Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 4 orders...

FLAK batteries have DAR! 8-)

Author:  Coolon [ Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 4 orders...

One thought I had....

We should try to get in a strong first strike as the Tommys will not be able to be over the fleet right away. I would suggest a multi phased and timed approach with the first wave advising the second wave as to the best approach to hit multiple ships.

Per the rules you are free to switch between bomber and fighter at will (you dont have to die)
just limited to 3 plane types... 3 lives... no teleporting. so some of the bombers who return to base can re-up as fighters and others stay bombers as needed.

Author:  split [ Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 4 orders...

That's the plan coolon. Any heavy fighters from the 4th should arrive over the fleet first, they will be the ones I'll be asking to report.
Talking about flying bombers...straight from a jabo post in his Frame 2 Summary:

"If you so choose you can fly 1-3 Do17 lives for 1-3 of your aircraft types."

So one could fly and die in 3 Do17's if one gives up flying a fighter ; )


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