S3 Series

Frame 3 Orders
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Author:  Coolon [ Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Frame 3 Orders

Allies have a long way to go to cover their assets, we will take advantage of that by an all out strike on the static ships at the port of Dieppe (101) There are about 5 or 6 static ships around the docks. (3) AA guns will cause difficulty in strafing these objects they are (2) 88s on the coast just NE of the docks and (1) 40mm just SW of the docks. If these are taken out it will be very easy to strafe down these ships. Priority should be given to the 40mm. These are not hardened ships and will go down to even light machine guns with enough hits.

We need to scout for the attacking fleet/convoys. I will be flying a Do17 and attacking from 3-6 thousand feet. If there are any who would like to fly a bomber we will need several pilots to forego one of their fighter options and join in the bomber group.

Bombers will fly due west and then north as that is the expected approach, but we will need to look west and north west of F101.

Bombr will be running any coordination between fighter groups as he is much better at organizing squads.

LF6 -- Mid Rover F111
8th -- Mid Rover F111
23 FG -- Spearhead F80
4th FG -- Shipping Strike / scout / Strike fighter cover F111

I'd like the 23rd to patrol the northern edge of the battle area (don't go north of 8.5 cross)
Your job will be to feel out any incoming sweep/assaults. Engage if you have the advantage but the idea is for you to be able to call in LF6 and the 8th who will be orbiting south of you (8.4 cross or so)

Rovers should be at altitude to be able to dive towards where needed and put local superiority where needed.

4th will hit port and scout for incoming landing forces.

Northern fighter groups please be on the lookout for shipping in your area.
Our cannons should do very well against static ships and freighters, we will need to look out for the warships however because they are much harder and have strong AAA.

NOTE: again, do NOT fly over an AI ship... fire and break away left or right, the collision bubble is much higher than you see visually. Better to make another pass than press the attack too close.

Airframes per squad choice.

Since I am a "strike" guy I am open to ideas of the best use of our fighters, but at this point in time I needed to throw something together. If you think of a better approach chime in quick :)

-Good luck all!

Author:  weiser [ Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders


Author:  bombr- [ Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders

Thanks for standing to on this one. 4FG will provide 4 bombers with AI in addition to you. Everyone remember you only need to fly the buff sortie once and can revert to fighters at any time. Recommend the 190 for strafing. bombr-

Author:  split [ Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders

Orders understood.
After quickly reading jabos comments on frames 3-5 brings up a Question:
Jabo states what seems to be conflicting info...how are we to ascertain which static ships are ours and theirs at the port? Are we sure the ack at the port will be Allied ack, or is it ours? Maybe I don't understand jabo, which wouldn't be the first time.

Luftwaffe may ONLY attack the Allied invasion fleet off Dieppe. All static and AI shipping at Dieppe, landing on its shores or in the port. AI shipping will be moving and anchored.

Allies may attack airfields, towns, ports, artillery and bridges/tunnels in the indicated area. This includes the town and port of Dieppe but NOT the static ships there.

Back to work, will see ya in the skies!

Author:  kaceyj [ Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders

Here are recon photos of the AA installations at 101. I am terrible using Ground Labels thought this might be easier for location when reading Mission Orders. However, I am with Splt on the confusion. As I flew over 101, the AA did not fire on me. If it is in Allied hands, it should have. The pictures may not be necessary for us.

F 101 NE-2 88mm dist.jpg
F 101 NE-2 88mm dist.jpg [ 181.5 KiB | Viewed 2527 times ]
F 101 NE-1 88mm.jpg
F 101 NE-1 88mm.jpg [ 146.47 KiB | Viewed 2527 times ]
F 101 SW-1 40mm.jpg
F 101 SW-1 40mm.jpg [ 192.74 KiB | Viewed 2527 times ]

Author:  Coolon [ Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders


Here is a little hint for you sometime.

In warbirds choose free flight, choose the correct terrain (this one is channel 1944 I believe)
choose a base close to where you want.
In Buffer type .cmeye then press enter
you will then be able to fly around the map with your throttle up or down to stop ... you can rotate/swivel your bearings with your joystick etc.
to be able to travel very fast type: .slewfeet xxxxxxx where x is a number usually about 16000 you can vary the number and see the difference. type .e to exit.

As I understand it the only static ships we have to think about are at the port of Dieppe. they are VERY close to and right up against the docks in general, perhaps 2 of them might be eight or nine ship lengths out to sea. All other ship targets will be AI convoys etc... Unless Jabo has some tricks up his sleeve as far as putting new targets nearby. That is why we need some eyes out there in fighters. As far as the AAA at the port.. we will just have to see what is what, and plan on the AAA being active, if not then its better for us anyway.

any other static ships located at different ports on the map will be friendly targets.

Reading Jabo's words it seems like the port will be gold, but to simulate the landings Jabo is using the static ships there as targets and will adjust things in the log. Destroying the buildings will help the Allies so we have to be careful what we strafe down.

Author:  bombr- [ Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders

I'm just as confused JABO. At start frame will Dieppe be gold then turn green? or will it start green? bombr-

Author:  split [ Sun Mar 25, 2018 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders

Logging into the s3 arena causes the update dialogue, which I did not do as nothing has been mentioned about an update. I would suggest no one update until we are told it is needed.

We have no idea of when the Allies are actually going to be making landfall...this frame or next? We do have 3 frames of this scenario. How this unfolds is as clear as mud to me.

Author:  jabo [ Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 Orders

Luftwaffe can only attack ships. At Dieppe or at sea.

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