I read the orders wrong and almost launched my squad from the wrong base
That put me behind the 8 ball on the intial attack on TAC 36. JG 51 got there a little before us and got ord on target NOE. JG 77 came in at 10k and meet P51s at that alt. My 3 ship formation dropped on the bridge and escaped to F53. I lost Mcpot in the escape. I did take out 1 spit on the ground. Zikker and Zinhwk scouted for bombers over the channel until tanks ran dry.
2nd sortie my -2 had to log mid flight leaving me a single. I tryed to get BDA on bridge at 36 and was greeted by 6 P51s from the 23rd. I pressed west to look for bombers until 2 of the 6 mustangs got to close and I had to fight. Forced an overshoot and took a rudder on one. The second took my wing and forced a bail.
Zikker and Zinhwk upped again to help strip escorts. They were jumped by 352 as they reached for alt; lost zinhwk to vulche is some terrible PK lag shot. Dolch was jumped on the RTB by 352 and was downed.
6 Pilots (Looby, Zinhwk, Zikker, Dolch,-Jr---, Mcpot-)
0 Kills
0 Assists
5 aircraft lost (109G6s)