S3 Series

Der Nebel JG100 and JG 211 OC 2nd Frame AAR
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Author:  trigr= [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Der Nebel JG100 and JG 211 OC 2nd Frame AAR

Trigr=, Rock, Timos, Crommm, Kapsyl and Pipe, Budman and Hammyg of Checkmates took off from from F54 in heavy 190D9s at T + 1 and grabbed west to hit the bridges and aircraft at Tac 51. We got word en route that massive enemy figher formations were heading into the are and we saw JG 127 egressing east so we jettisoned our bombs on Tac 51 hoping to hit some parked enemy aircraft and dove out east. We lost Budman and rtb'd to F54 at T + 14.

We got capped down at F54 as disappointed enemy fighters hung around vulching every LW aircraft in the area. Phenix logged in at T + 17. Trigr=, Rock, Timos, Crommm, Kapsyl, Phenix and Pipe and Hammyg of Checkmates took off from from F54 in 190D9s at T + 52 and grabbed northeast as shooters. Jugggo vectored us around expertly into an HO pass on the buff group about 10 miles southwest of F70 while they were in their Nordens and presented steady targets. The buffs had been nicely stripped by JG 51 and others so we got a nice pass and turned around to set up on them again. I saw DrDart shoot an escort off of Crommm's tail but the buffs made a radical turn to the south and some escorts showed up so only about half of us got a second pass. Trigr= shot down 2 buffs and Hammyg got a buff and we lost Crommm, Pipe and Hammyg in that fight. We rtb'd to F54 at T + 126 to rearm.

Trigr=, Phenix and Kapsyl took off from F54 in 109Ds at T +127 and grabbed northeast looking for trouble. We had a long and inconclusive fight fight with P38s at 30,000 feet near F55, rtb'd to F56 and stood down at T + 56.

Results: LAF70 closed, moderate losses to the enemy buffs.

Kills: 3 (Trigr= 2, Hammyg.)

Losses: 4 (Budman, Hammyg, Pipe and Crommm.)

Thanks to Hawk and Jugggo, the LW COs and Jabo and Roan, the S3 guys, for a fun frame.

Comments: My compliments to the strippers in this frame. The escorts were few and far between when we arrived on scene and it was very reassuring to see those 109s above us.

Author:  Rock-- [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Der Nebel JG100 and JG 211 OC 2nd Frame AAR

A BIG <S> to JG51 and the rest of the strippers for making it a lot easier for the shooters. :D

Author:  Hawk [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Der Nebel JG100 and JG 211 OC 2nd Frame AAR


Thanks buddy for giving your all and a job well done!


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