Whew! So taking F50 by Allies was wasted because FEBA a function of field tower to field tower distance.
Couldn't find the point chart Jugs, but I believe ya.
For us our money maker is in this order Ships, Boats, Buffs, Bridges, Radar, and Tanks. This is what I am thinking.
Two bridges up near the "arrow" - near 34 and 36. As we do not need bridges for our tanks, apparently, they are points. Long ago we would fly up the rivers below dar and then pop and drop and scoot. Those bridges look like NS tgts to me.
Take the fields with paras and any tanks that are across the rivers.
T49 and T48 should be defended, as the FEBA will move east if they go down. F51 is "bait", best I can see. If they can take it, BFD. Our stuff to the east is really well-defended.
I'll fly a bridge-buster today and report back.
Herr Gums sends...