S3 Series

Human vs AI
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Author:  =dobs= [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Human vs AI

We waste a shit ton of effort to kill strikers...and if you are the poor bastard who kills 3 AIs...you earn points for your side, but don't get SQUAT for yourself.

Anyway to tell who is real and who is not?

Tips, idea's, suggestions?


Author:  Hawk [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

Nope and if there was a way, you wouldn't waste your time on the AI's and that would be kinda gaming the game don't you think?

Author:  zinhwk [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

Since the new interface, scoring has been adjusted for plane destruction. AIs score equal to Human. You get the points for AI just not a "I killed you" message.

Author:  zinhwk [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

Kill of other class a/c(includes AI bombers) - 1.0 pt
•Kill of bomber class a/c - 2.0 pt
•Assist awarded in kill of e/a - 0.25 pt
•Destroy ground target - 0.1 to 0.5 or even higher depending on the type of event.
•Destroy GV or AI flak - 0.25 to 0.5 depending on the type of event.
•Destroy AI ship - 1.0 to 2.0 pt
•Pilot killed - minus 2.00 pt (a/c lost - includes warped/badbail - updated logs from OTB).
•Pilot captured - minus 0.50 pt (a/c lost).
•Pilot bales - minus 1.00 pt (a/c lost, kill awarded - includes DWD - changed from 0.5 in OTB)
•Pilot ditches - minus 0.50 pt (a/c lost, no kill - changed from 0.25 in OTB).
•DWD - minus 0.25(ac lost, kill awarded).

You get a little more than squat.

Author:  dawger [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

The issue is AI kills arent counted as kills but as BDA in the S6 so its very hard to tell what is getting credited AND scored.

Author:  =dobs= [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

Nope and if there was a way, you wouldn't waste your time on the AI's and that would be kinda gaming the game don't you think?

Not at all...having 4 lives is gaming the game.

Being able to kill the human every time and get credit just makes sense..especially since now it appears everyone's AI gives credit to the one person flying the 4 airplanes.

So if you can hop between planes after your plane is shot done, does it really matter to the bomber guy...If I can live long enough, and if I have ammo enough to shoot down all your planes...in the end you are dead and I get credit.

475th was missing several kills Frame 2...B-29 AIs, and this frame will be worse.

But as long as the points are awarded, and not lost in the nether regions......However, if you watch my video, I get a kill on an AI and nothing comes up in the buffer....pretty sure that one is lost in space.

Author:  briar [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

Something has to have changed mid series as during Frame 1 I got a kill on gravey, 2 kills on Darryl and an assist on Darryl during one sortie. Maybe it has to do with how and when they change vehicles?


Author:  =dobs= [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

Don't know:) Hence the question...my first kill on a TBF was on neuron. Skuzzer came in..killed an AI and then killed neuron.

My 2nd kill was on an AI (turned grey...no message in buffer)....awarded a kill post death for one I shot up that someone finished....TBF AI credit.

Anyhow....not quite sure how it works.


Author:  Hawk [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI


There are not enough bombers in the game right now. The reason for the AI's is to make up the loss of players. Until we get more bombers flying the S3's, this is way it has to be.

We all have to learn to deal with this until we get more players and I know you fighter guys are all about your kills but it is what it is.

Author:  =dobs= [ Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Human vs AI

Well since the only way we score points in fighters is to kill stuff....yep you're right!

Shooting something and wasting 60% ammo after 40 minute drone and getting nada credit does suck, but I understand the code limitations.


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