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 Post subject: CK Frame V Orders
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:48 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:38 am
Posts: 476
Location: 42 49'57.61N 73 57'13.52W
Frame V Orders

Any Changes will be made in RED. Please post any concerns you may see that I have over-looked.

Northern Groupe

1 step fighters F195 heavy with drop tank. Roll T+20 or there about (stay in contact with hawk for timing of merge) to merge and support your bombers coming from the west. You will be supporting action at F190 to help close it.

2 steps bombers. F214 Roll T+0 Follow hawks DTF for routes and time hacks. Be sure to adjust your fuel loadout to get to field 21.

    T+00 F214
    T+12 F216
    T+28 4x
    T+40 6x (Level 15k)
    T+57 TOT (Drop and run)
    RTB F-21

TK / 77 - 2 steps F229 Roll T+0 Head east to merge with JG51. You will be sweeping the area west of 190 to clear path for the bombers. Bombers will be at 15K, otherwise known as 4572 meters.

JG-51 - 2 steps F184 Roll T+0 Head west to merge with TK/77. You will be sweeping the area west of 190 to clear path for the bombers. Bombers will be at 15K, otherwise known as 4572 meters.

TK/77/51 - Clear the Knights bombers and strike fighters in and out. If you see activity use your best judgment whether they are a threat to the main objective. Stay with the group until you have the 352nd nearby to hand off the escort duty.

Southern Groupe

352nd - 3 steps F7 and F221 (2 at one, 1 at the other. Your choice.) Roll T+0 and move west for some alt. then turn back east to sweep the area South of the 2 line for enemies headed west to our ports. If you find the Ferrets and/or Night Stalkers, eliminate them. Please report all contact on country channel. Your option to roll with or without tanks. I would like you to have near full fuel load at T+55 to move north to help escort the knights home from F190 to field 21.

100th/211/27 - 1 step F207. Set up a defense around our shipping in the 4.1 - 5.1 grids. Co-ordinate with the 352nd. If you find a NOE strike or cons in the area, advise the 352nd so they can come in and support if needed. Please report all contact on country channel.

Below is the DTF in text form and I have also attached the file below. This copy does show F21 as the bomber RTB field.


#Color table

.strsto black 0 0 0 255
.strsto blue 0 0 255 255
.strsto blue-green 64 128 128 255
.strsto brown 128 64 0 255
.strsto cyan 0 255 255 255
.strsto gold 243 232 12 255
.strsto gray 128 128 128 255
.strsto green 0 255 0 255
.strsto green-lite 128 128 0 255
.strsto greent 65 120 40
.strsto orange 255 128 0 255
.strsto pink 255 128 255 255
.strsto purple 255 0 255 255
.strsto red 255 0 0 255
.strsto white 255 255 255 255
.strsto yellow 255 255 0 255

.strsto F21 759602 127006
.strsto WP1 755604 99818
.strsto F221 709793 164621
.strsto IP 992868 614792
.strsto F190 1047465 617792

#Dar 20mi radius (ft)
.strsto radar 105600

#Active Emitters
.strsto F2 918794 15037
.strsto F3 1135114 102027
.strsto F9 1282597 183391
.strsto F10 1057759 91285
.strsto F18 1020246 299658
.strsto F20 1249453 487152
.strsto F178 1182090 649456
.strsto F190 1051038 616412
.strsto F200 987940 456740
.strsto F230 1213107 435146
.strsto F235 1125681 347745
.strsto F236 1288927 97184

.strsto R249A 1108068 455428
.strsto R249B 1108272 456473
.strsto R250A 929948 100645
.strsto R250B 930054 100202

.mapcolor @red@
.mapcircle @F2@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F3@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F9@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F10@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F18@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F20@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F178@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F190@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F200@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F235@ @radar@
.mapcircle @F236@ @radar@
.mapcircle @R249A@ @radar@
.mapcircle @R249B@ @radar@
.mapcircle @R250A@ @radar@
.mapcircle @R250B@ @radar@

#Knights Route
.strsto F214 48035 533300
.strsto F126 205201 605139
.strsto F190 1047465 617792
.strsto F21 759602 127006

.mapcolor @blue@
.mapline @F214@ @F126@
.mapcolor @purple@
.mapline @F126@ @F190@
.mapcolor @green@
.mapline @F190@ @F182@


File comment: Knights 1st Sortie
CTK5.dtf [1.79 KiB]
Downloaded 178 times



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 Post subject: Re: CK Frame V Orders
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:26 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:02 am
Posts: 35
Location: Washington State


Hptm Looboy
Gruppenkommadeur II./JG 77

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 Post subject: Re: CK Frame V Orders
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:31 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:15 am
Posts: 917

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


Last edited by dewolf on Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: CK Frame V Orders
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:50 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:38 am
Posts: 476
Location: 42 49'57.61N 73 57'13.52W
Very nice wolf ... I was trying to fit it in a picture but couldn't get a decent image small enough to make out the map.

You forgot TK/77 at 229.



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 Post subject: Re: CK Frame V Orders
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:16 am 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:15 am
Posts: 917
Should be correct now, Doc. Red circles with stars in the middle represent active enemy airbases.

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


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 Post subject: Re: CK Frame V Orders
PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:13 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:38 am
Posts: 476
Location: 42 49'57.61N 73 57'13.52W
.show in the s3 arena list radar at 105600. For now I am assuming the pdf is wrong and our dtf shows the true range of any active enemy radar.



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 Post subject: Re: CK Frame V Orders
PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:26 am 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:15 am
Posts: 917

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


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