S3 Series

352nd Fighter Group CKC Frame 4 AAR
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Author:  dewolf [ Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  352nd Fighter Group CKC Frame 4 AAR


The Group was initially tasked with a dual mission. We were assigned to be part of the fighter cover for the Knights as they made their attack on F-25, and we were also to suppress the radar capabilities at F-19. We rolled a flight of heavy fighters against F-19, and what our fighter/bombers were not able to take out, the ground strafing by the other fighters did. F-19 Closed as the Knights were just about to drop on F-25. With the assistance of the fighters there, that field was noted to be Closed as well. We were all just 30 minutes into the Frame, and we already had one "additional" closed field. Following that first engagement near F-19, bandits became more difficult to find. There seemed to be activity in the North, so we headed that way for a while before we were recalled South to deal with a developing threat. Late in the Frame it was noticed that there was smoke on the horizon to the far West. Ship radio traffic had a group of Mossies (with some confusing icon) which were in on our ships at very low altitude. Our flight leader made a good guess that although they did not show on radar, that sooner or later, they would have to pass our flight in order to RTB. He spread out his flight horizontally in order to cover as much ocean as possible and waited for the bad guys to arrive. In the end, SPLASH several Mossies. Several of our fighter/bombers took-up the task of attacking the Coastal Artillery at F-294 and closed that one also. At the end of the Frame we were looking for a group of tanks that were invisible and we weren't going to be able to kill anyway, and elected to RTB following the "end of hostilities" announcement.




The 352nd Fighter Group Command Staff is pleased to announce that the following pilots have flown their BF 109 aircraft with enough skill over the course of (4) Frames to become Series Aces.
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Frame 4
Vulche: Kills (4). Yak9D (2), Mossie VI (1), P-39Q (1).
SASpin: Kills (3). Yak9D (1), Mossie VI (1), P-39Q (1).
-Oskar: Kills (2). Yak9D (1), Mossie VI (1).
=JMan=: Kills (1). Yak9D (1). Assist: (2). Ground target: (5).
Fencer: Kills (1). Yak9D (1). Assist: (2).
Hogjaw: Kills (1). Mossie VI (1). Assist: (1). Ground target (1).
=Dobs=: Kills (1). Yak9D (1). Assist: (1). Ground target (1).
Juice=: Kills (1). Yak9D (1). Ground target: (2).
Parson: Kills (1). Yak9D (1). Assist: (1).
RedSgt: Kills (1). Yak9D (1). Assist: (1).
-KBar-: Kills (1). Yak9D (1).
Chicdg: Kills (1). Yak9D (1). Tank: (1).
Yobtee: Kills (1). Ground target (1).
JlordJ: Assist: (1). Ground target: (10 ).
Caruso: Assist: (1).
-Epic-: Ground target: (5).
DeWolf: Ground target (1).


•21 pilots
•91 sorties
•85 safe landing(s)
•6 airframe(s) lost ( 6 x Bf-109G6 *)
•6 pilot(s) KIA
•0 taken POW
•19 victories
•10 assist(s)
•29 ground objects and/or AI destroyed

Thanks to Sakai for coordinating the Axis effort and to our Janitors.

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