S3 Series

CK Frame V planning
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Author:  drdart [ Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  CK Frame V planning

Field 190 .... in the north, should be our last main objective. They will be looking for us to go there, so I think this is where we should go. Any secondary targets will be just a mere bonus to the series.

I am open for suggestions and ideas for this frame. Please post them below and we can start discussing our series victory early.

Author:  -Epic- [ Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

Russian resistance is on the verge of collapse in the Kuban. F-190 is there last major stronghold in the theater. I'm sure it will be defended to the last....hopefully ;-)

With the loss of F-181(frame 4) our only twin-engine base in the North. The Knights BG will have to roll from F-21. This might be seen as a concern because of the distance in question(100 miles +/-) to target. I think the longer distance will give the knight time to achieve an effective bombing altitude on their ingress to target.

Northern fields still with air operations capability. F-184/2 steps..F-229/2 steps...F-234/2 steps...though 229/234 are over 100 miles to target.

Southerns fields are still intact from the previous frames. Note that southern fields are about 85-95 miles from F-190.

Getting shot down relative early in the frame I had the chance to observe enemy formations mustering on radar.

F-190(3 steps) can only roll Twin-Engines(Doolittle's) Two steps of the 4th FG were based at F-200 and the other step based at F-230 or F-20...When I was killed planes were rolling from F-200. I was jumped by a high section of 4th men that came in from the east of F-200 with alt. The Stalkers were based down south with their Mossies(F-25) which was closed early in the frame. They will not have Mossies for frame 5 due to F-190 being only a 3 steps. The 23rd initially I thought was based down south? They made a very early attack at F-19, so they must have been based very near. After that I never heard from them for the rest of the frame. Possible Fields for 23rd in frame 5....F-178 and F-20....this is purely speculation. Eagles and RCAF--->F-235/2 steps..F-18/2 steps and F-262/1 step. They are running out of relevant bases for an effective fighter cap on F-190.

With the Knights rolling almost 5 grids from F-190. It will take them some time to get online to pulverize F-190. Just thinking out loud here, but what do you think of a fighter sweep over the bases in question? 109's with drops....sweep the bases at alt....kill anything that comes up an opposes us...confuse them in thinking we're attacking their fields...basically throwing our Russian friends into disarray. With the enemy running like school girls to all ends of the map....we rejoin our Knightly Friends and give them an welcoming escort into F-190 for the big show.
With our bases being located far from the Russian bases...it might could difficult in keep fuel discipline. Drop tanks will be a necessity....especially for the northern fighter squads. This being a sweep....maybe have a hard deck set at 10K.....boom and zoom the enemy AC...Dog fighting with drop tanks is probably not a great idea....

Just some thoughts Dr. If this is something you might consider...I can start with time hacks from our northern and southern fields to respective targets...
If this sounds like a suicide/train wreck...not a problem. If you need help with anything... Time/hacks.....I have a couple days off this week...Just ask...

<S> -Epic-

Author:  drdart [ Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

We do know they will use F190 for the D-Raiders, so yes the Knights will be on this target even if its an hour + into the frame. I like the idea that they will have time to get at altitude. The fighters can harass around the area until we can set up a merge for escorting the knights in, closing F190 and then getting the bombers home. Anything after that will be a free for all. I might also have a couple steps (volunteers) to set up a defense around our fields they may be hitting to remove the Night Stalkers or Ferrets or any other NOE strikes.

These are just some thought for now.

Hawk ... F190 will be your target. Please plan accordingly.

Author:  Hawk [ Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning


Alt is our friend and gives us a lot of room to dive and run. The thing to remember about the Ju-88 is that the guns suck, but it is fast and nimble in a dive and can get away fast when needed.

Let's kick them one more time hard again!

Author:  -Epic- [ Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

Hawk if you could give me an idea for your initial ingress route to F-190. Time on Target would be great. I just need to know how long it's gonna take your BG to arrive at F-190 Once that is established we can address flight route/plans accordingly.

<S> -Epic-

Author:  dewolf [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

There is an additional 88 Flack in the NW that would not fit in this pic.





Lots of targets at F-190. It is the only remaining base from which twin-engine aircraft can fly.

IF the Axis can close F-190 while the aircraft are gone. No matter where they return, they are DONE for the night.
IF the Axis can close F-190 while the aircraft are on the ground. They can't teleport and ALL aircraft based there are DONE for the night.
IF the Axis can create a bar cap just to the West of F-190 and manage to kill all of the twins, they are DONE for the Series.
IF the Axis can close OTHER UNDEFENDED fields with the strike force the Axis ends up with equal or more points and has airplanes to engage for the Frame.
Remember if just one OT target is not destroyed, the field DOES NOT CLOSE, even if it is heavily damaged.

There are a number of ways to approach Frame 5.

Author:  Hawk [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

I'll do some testing today and let you know. There are 3 targets what I can see. Are the Knights just hitting the field or going for all 3 parts of it?

I like this plan! It's kicking sand in their face but I know they will be in wait for us so timing and coordination is a must.

We can do it guys!!!!

Author:  looboy [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

Echos of the ack at F190 wake me up at night. I will enjoy seeing it destroyed next frame! Best of luck Hawk!


Author:  drdart [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

Hawk wrote:
There are 3 targets what I can see. Are the Knights just hitting the field or going for all 3 parts of it?

What ever it takes to close it hawk. I have full confidence in your squad to get it done. You will have all the support you need to get there. Let me know when your ingress routes are ready so I can plan your fighter protection in and out of F190.

Author:  Hawk [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CK Frame V planning

This is my test DTF file and still waiting gtom Daworm to look at it, but this sould give you an idea on our route to F190 from F21.


#Color table

.strsto black 0 0 0 255
.strsto blue 0 0 255 255
.strsto blue-green 64 128 128 255
.strsto brown 128 64 0 255
.strsto cyan 0 255 255 255
.strsto gold 243 232 12 255
.strsto gray 128 128 128 255
.strsto green 0 255 0 255
.strsto green-lite 128 128 0 255
.strsto greent 65 120 40
.strsto orange 255 128 0 255
.strsto pink 255 128 255 255
.strsto purple 255 0 255 255
.strsto red 255 0 0 255
.strsto white 255 255 255 255
.strsto yellow 255 255 0 255

.strsto F21 759602 127006
.strsto WP1 755604 99818
.strsto F221 709793 164621
.strsto IP 992868 614792
.strsto F190 1047465 617792

.strsto radar 52800

.mapcolor @blue@
.mapline @WP1@ @F221@
.mapline @F221@ @IP@
.mapcolor @purple@
.mapline @IP@ @F190@
.mapcolor @green@
.mapline @F190@ @F21@

.mapcolor @red@

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