We had some initial communications problems but managed to regroup and then:
1st sortie When the yankees showed the Imperial 4th kokutai launched. First holding west at 20k awaiting the enemy strike bombers, but were ordered by the frame CO to the 4,6 grid. This unfortunately put us right in the path of the yankee big sweep and as GCI I ordered the 4th to fall back west. The decision however was about 30 sec too late and half the squad were bounced while the other half proceeded hdg 270. The 4th kokutai got split in several groups losing 2 Zeros and killing 1-2 F6F's. The rest of the sortie the 4th struggled to rejoin when fairly unprotected TBD's showed up as the enemy big wing was RTB fuel. The 4th kokutai segments and were ordered to engage the enemy strikers and finally merged together harassing the retreating TBD's, east of the atoll, and downed 2 of them. Our squad unfortunately had to RTB fuel, letting the enemy strikers escape. Tally 1st sortie: 3-4 kills 2 lost
2nd sortie The Imperial 4th kokutai again launched as the enemy broke radar. This time the 4th kokutai was holding more to the north at 20k, preparing to bounce the yankee strike groups. The 352nd however were in trouble at F20 and the 4th kokutai were ordered by the frame CO to support them. As the 4th ran south at 20k towards F20, they were spotted by F6F's at 30k north-east of the group, and the whole enemy big wing at 30k came racing from the south-west. Our squad got sandwiched and was ordered to dive for protective ack. We lost 3 pilots in the retreat. The majority of the 4th kokutai left the ack cover and engaged the enemies east of F20 low over the water. This is where we lost the whole squad except 2 pilots. The remaining pilots, billpe and jedijc, re-fueled and then flew north in search for TBD's, dancing out of range of a few F6F's. An enemy TBD pair was spotted at F23 and together with the remnants of the 352nd our remaining Zeros dispatched the enemy strikers and RTB'd. Tally 2nd sortie: 0-1 kills all but 2 lost
Thanks Robert for your help with this!
=weis= 8th FG CO