MuskieZZ wrote:
I truly believe they were hit from AI bombers above. It was mayhem over the ships. We had ships blowing up all around us and we were on the north side where no one was suppose to be bombing.
p.s. just out of curiosity, why were they dropping torpedoes from 1K?
Did some testing around this. If you are near a boat when the torpedo hits you will die. I think the torpedo is like a 4K bomb or so. You have to break away after you drop.
I have not been able to establish exactly how far you need to be, but you can test, simply drop and follow it to the boat and you will blow up. Not knowing much about real life torpedos I have no idea if this is realistic behavior or not. I am guessing not.
On your post script MuskieZZ you can actually level drop a torpedo from 10K and it still works!! go figure..