We had 15 pilots show for the missions tonight, so I based us all at F30. Timos had us as escorts for the Haze in 110s and we launched at T+0 to meet them OTW to F107. All seemed quiet while they hit the tgt and we all turned NE to rtb and rearm. Launched from F30 again and met the Haze inbd to F69, where they killed the ack. They were strafing tgts and we heard F 73 under attack so we headed that way. The nme was low and we figured B25s, but when pappyb and =weis= chsed a pair for a long way, we realized they were Hurricanes. Hurries turned into us and we attempted to HO, but the split sandwiched pappyb and he lost flaps and elevator, so tried to egress towards F75. All went well until trying to land it and hit a shallow rise. It cost us 2 a/c and pilots while jedijc was able to nock one down. Pappyb took GCI so bombr- could fly and we launched again towards 69, but this tine heavy(500kgx2) plus drop tanks. Got to tgt area ahead of Haze, since they were based north east of us. Once in tgt area got word enemy nearby so dropped ord and tanks to engage. Lost 2 in the fight and Haze showed up and bandits egressed SW to F107 area. Was getting late and decided to rtb and stand down. <S> Timos for sitting in "The Big Chair" and jabo et all for a fun series and great Map.
pappyb CO 4th FG http://echoesmarketing.com/4thfg/