I was a great night for us, but costly. We were based at F-21 and F-193 and upon rolling I decided to meet at the 6.0x instead of the 5.2.5. Why, it was closer and I felt safe we wouldn't be seen. WRONG! This is where things got hairy. While waiting for the TK to show up a lone spit found us and took out Sentin right off. Our fighters made good on payback, but we were spotted so I made the call to go direct to F32.
The good thing was because we were at the 6.0x TK was able to show up in time to help us out. We grabbed alt and barely made it over the dark mountains. More Knights were being attacked and lost another bomber. Soon we are target and bombs were dropped. The only things we saw left was 1 building and really puzzled why it didn't close.
Over all, assets were lost with only 3 bombers left and 1 fighter. I hope the numbers turned out favorable for you and will post some pictures soon.
Capt Hawk CO - The Knights Who Say Ni!