S3 Series

Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3
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Author:  kaceyj [ Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3

Roundtable discussion regarding the use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in

I am posting this for discussion only by current and future frame COs for both sides.

It has been proposed that the CA log in be initiated to the current S3. I would like for both the Allied and Axis commanders to come to a decision about this.

I have opened this post for comment/discussion/debate. Please participate appropriately gentleman

Author:  Beaver [ Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3

What s the Combined Arms login?

Author:  kaceyj [ Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3

As best I can tell is that it allows a bomber pilot move from his plan to one of his wingman if his plane gets shot down. I don’t understand it all either. I am trying to get more data on it

Author:  Beaver [ Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3

That would be okay as long as they play it right ans keep all wingmen close and we get full points for the player kill, not the lower value for AI kills.

Author:  =vslp= [ Fri Sep 28, 2018 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3

CA log in allows a bomber pilot to choose whatever bombloadout for each of his wingmen, or even vary the type of plane his wingmen are. It also allows a player to switch to any of his wingmen during flight, say for example his plane is heavy damage, he switches to one of his undamaged wingmen.....in the event he gets killed, it will auto switch him to one fo his wingmen, if any are left..it does keep him in the fight longer, so..it possible a bomber pilot can be killed multiple times in the same sorte, or at the very least, once, just depends on circumstances....much of previous issues when tried before stemmed mostly from bomber pilots trying to make em do things they not supposed to do well, or outflying thier wingmen, losing them in the process....and even sometimes the plane choice is a poor one as some ai fm's are better than others in keeping formation,,,,example being a b-17 g which has a good ai fm vs a b-17 f which has a poorer fm and can be lost more easily if lead human pilot gets to jiggy with his airplane....I'd strongly suggest installing it in the T an D arena for people to check out and become better aquainted with it.

Author:  -tmoa- [ Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3

If I correctly recall, there were many complaints from the dedicated bomber pilots that aircraft control was difficult and aircraft would often crash on their own. Not being a dedicated bomber pilot, I didn't find too many issues when our squadron was tasked with flying bombers using the CA login.

It presents an advantage to either side: the intercepting pilots can rack up multiple kills on the same pilot and the bombing pilot gets multiple runs on the same target even if he gets shot down.

Either way, my vote is to turn the feature on as long as a bomber pilot can opt to log on the regular way if they find the CA login not to their liking.



Author:  kaceyj [ Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Use of the CA 'Combined Arms' log in in the S3

I appreciate the input here. I have learned much more about the CA login and see the advantages that are possible. A morphing concern I saw in past S3 posts was a concern. Some of the comments mentioned a strange issue that occurs in pilot transfers to an AI. Sleepy and I did some 'unofficial and totally empirical tests' in the T and D arena using the CA log on. We found that for approximately one second the two planes disappeared during transfer. I was an 'off and back on' visual. It did not flicker and there was negligible movement of the both planes spatially.

I do not advice implementing the CA log in for this series unless we provide opportunities for all pilots involve to train/experiment in the CA login. It would not be difficult to add the CA login to the T and D arena and use this venue for training purposes.

To gather more data for future considerations it might be possible to do a one night event between S3's using the CA login combined with the regular login.

Questions regarding scoring procedures would also need to be addressed.

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