S3 Series

well ...
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Author:  thor [ Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  well ...


not sure where the time change thing came up, my suggestion was about other events, presumably in off weeks maybe an open arena between series not a
wholesale change to the s3 itself just a adjunct event once in a while community building thing that was more fun oriented.

as far as the rest of the thread goes, and it being locked, that all speaks for itself I guess. No further comments however tempting.

It's a shame really because clearly community building would not be a bad thing around here, and a less serious activity for this community might be healthy.
Not to mention the opportunity to try stuff out without the "me first / gotta win" crap that tends to screw up any real sort of data collection in the s3.

Author:  Darryl [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: well ...

I think I know what you mean, THOR. We have participated in quick one night events in the past. They really are a lot of fun. I hope someone will take that ball and run with it again. I have a suggestion for the month of April. How about we re-enact the actual Doolittle Tokyo Raid. Not sure how we can "surprise" the enemy this side of history, but I know there's a bunch of smart fellas out there that can come up with something. I want to roll B25 bombers off the deck of carriers and fly 600 miles to strike a few targets with incendiary bombs and see how it goes. :)

Thanks for your post, sir <S>

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