S3 Series

4th and AXIS flying
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Author:  Omega [ Mon Sep 07, 2015 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  4th and AXIS flying

Jabo and others:

Ok. One of my nuts fell off (don't go there-the bolt you knotheads) my bolt I forgot about the message Pappyb sent out:

S3 Community,

The 4th Fg will support flying Axis (on a limited basis) in theaters of operation where the 4th Fg did not primarily participate in WW2. Examples to consider would be the Pacific, Eastern Front and North African theaters of operation.

We did not lose a single pilot to this decision. I want to thank the 4th Fg Pilots for being open, honest and flexible during this process.

I ask the Janitors to e-mail Pappy and light to discuss future Series that the 4th Fg could participate in as Axis pilots.

Pappy CO 4th Fg

So everything is copacetic.

I try, but just sometimes get the pot stirred up without intending to.

Now if someone will just tell me where the S3 Crimea is to select it for training and planning. (I make the supposition that it is the one Label Sundays Event-Crimea) that was labelled S3. I am I correct.


Author:  dewolf [ Mon Sep 07, 2015 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 4th and AXIS flying

"Hi Commanders,

Arena password is – demise

To access the S3 arena you must type .privatearena s3 at the splash screen before going online. To return to the regular online menu type .privatearena.

I will have the final revised rules up tonight, so hopefully it will explain the changes better.



Author:  Sakai [ Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 4th and AXIS flying

Omega - That is good news, sir.

Please pass on my ~S~ to your Group.

Author:  Beaver [ Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 4th and AXIS flying

That is reasonable Omega. RCAF plays Allied when Spitfires are involved as that is our ride, also North Africa & Sicily & Italy where we operated. We will play Axis almost every time those conditions are not met. :D

Author:  Todzilla [ Mon May 14, 2018 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 4th and AXIS flying

As usual, I am late to the party but <S> to the 4th for making the change!

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