As the frame CO the last two. Here is what I know.
Nothing of this sort happened in frame 1. There were some irregularities in the engine model regarding temps that allowed engines to function at a reduced performance when overheated/oiled. Pilots reported this and did not intend to take advantage of the situation, just simply flew to base expecting the engine to quit and it didn't. This anomaly was corrected in frame 2 with overheat turned off. In one of the allied videos I had a giggle at a comment of "multiple fuel tanks" for the lowly 109. Rest assured, there is only one, we just took a lot of fuel and a drop tank, but I wasn't going to dispel the enemy's myths about our superior planes!
Before frame's end all the dead and alive were accounted for and no one in flight.
In frame 2's end, and I image the source of the complaint, dolch was oiled, ditched and did step away for a period of time. As for the reasons, they were not given, but I do know he was more pissed about the lucky shot to the engine than preserving a kill streak. He was instructed to exit upon his return, did so, and the kill was awarded. All things sorted in the end.
It is regrettable that a member of 77 was involved in the situation. Since his involvement with 77, Dolch has not shown characteristics to behave in such a manner, as much as he has been a pain in the ass to the enemy. That event was already dealt with and should not happen again. Should it be known to be occurring again, further action regarding his involvement with 77 will take place. I do like your idea, accept the capture or die.
I have my suspicions that complaints are more about glory than concerns of points however. Be it kill, capture, collision, disco with damage, the system logs the event regardless of credit and the loss of aircraft noted in the points column for the opposing side. The only regrettable action is the victor would not be credited with the "kill" and personal points for cups and shiny medals not applied.