S3 Series

Warbirds - BDA Script Generator
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Author:  noflyz [ Sat May 02, 2015 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Warbirds - BDA Script Generator

The script is now hosted at http://noflyz.net76.net/bda/

It can now generate both what remains and what is destroyed. Also prettied it up a bit and added a "Copy" button that can be used to copy the script that can then be pasted to a DTF file of your choosing.

Note even though this is hosted the data never leaves your browser. So it is safe for the use for mission planning during S3s etc. Source code is still available at the same place (noted below) and any changes are welcome.


While ago I wrote scripts that showed a count of assets up in a given field. I have been asked several times to re-do this and for most part I did it on a case per case basis.

Well time has passed sides are switched (and continue to do so) and cannot always do so unless the enemy wants to share their attack plans :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

So in the spirit of the next best thing to writing programs is to write a program that writes the program.. here goes..


Direct link to the zip file - https://github.com/raviyer/warbirdsbda/archive/master.zip

To use it download the zip file and extract it to some location. Then open the bda.html file and follow instructions.

It's open source and free, comes with no warranty, It runs completely locally on your browser so no one is going to see what you do with it.

PC Users: I have not tested on a PC but tested with firefox and it should work.
MAC Users: You will have to use firefox or you will have to delete the extended attribute com.apple.quarantine from the downloaded files (cd to the directory and run the command xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine .)

If you are a developer and want to make changes please go ahead and clone off github and make the changes and send in the push request. I'll approve every change that makes sense for the community as a whole.

Author:  -tmoa- [ Sat May 02, 2015 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warbirds - BDA Script Generator

Thanks for the help on this.

PS - I am still afraid of Terminal!


Author:  Beaver [ Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warbirds - BDA Script Generator

Sounds good :evil: 8-)

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