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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:51 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
Posts: 707
Location: Ottawa
A somewhat abbreviated write-up. RAF attempted two Circus operations. The target of the first was the Oil Storage facility at F91. The two Blenheims (player and AI) enjoyed more numerous fighter protection than the previous frame, with 9 Spitfire Vbs providing escort. Four 109s came up to meet them in a vicious fight. One Bf 109F-2 was shot down, but the Spitfires had their hands full. After many missed firing opportunities at the evasive 109s, the Spits were running out of ammunition. AOC Fighter Command refused to allow the Blenhiems to continue without effective escort and ordered the Circus to RTB. Before they could withdraw the one Spitfire and one Blenheim were shot down. First phase of the days fighting went to the LW.
On the second sortie, the RAF opted to try an attack against the airfield at Abbeville (F111) after an extensive overwater approach. A high flying 109 scout encountered a pair of Spitfires at 30K feet about 20 miles west of the Somme estuary and easily avoided them. Other LW fighters arrived at lower altitudes and began firing passes against the Blenheims before they reached the French coast. One 109 was shot down by the Air Gunners of the Blenheims, while one other broke up after overspeeding his fighter (reality - both 109s pressed their attacks too close and collided with the Blenheims. The collision was not detected on the Blenheim pilot's client software). Defending Spitfires, out of position, finally caught up and were able to down a 109 pressing his attack.
While under attack the Blenheims had been corkscrewing all over the sky and took a few minutes to get lined up on the target at Abbeville. As they were doing so there were hard pressed by 109s, but these were driven off by the Spit escorts, with one 109 pilot forced to take to his parachute and the other seen crashing into the Somme.
The Blenheims let loose with 8 250lb bombs on structures on the south side of the Abbeville runway. The crews had been briefed that aircraft were hidden in the copses of trees on the airfield. Two rows of apple trees were obliterated, reducing the amount of Calvados the LW pilots might be drinking that Fall. A 20mm gun position near the second orchard was destroyed, more by luck than intent.
the LW pressed the bombers again, and one of the Blenheims was heavily damaged and fell out of formation heading back to sea. The remaining bomber turned back to attack the field again. Four 100lb GP bombs fell. One bomb damaged a parked Ju-52 and hangars on the north side of the field. The last three bombs destroyed a fuel dump and a parked 109 on the south west side of the field.
The Spitfires were very busy during the bomb run, battling 109s on the deck and at altitude. All of the RAF fighters were either low on ammo or had empty guns. One Spitfire crashed into the ground after being riddled by german bullets and another broke apart in mid-air (collision). The LW found and shot down the Blenheim that was damaged earlier. One 109, attacking the wildly jinking surviving Blenheim, collided and was forced to bail out. The air battle raged out over the channel. Two more 109s and a Spitfire were shot down before it was over. The RAF suffered one more loss as a Spitfire, fuel tanks empty, crashed into the Cliffs of Dover.

Team Gold (Axis)
6 pilots, 21 sorties.
352nd: juice=, osker-, vokker, redsgt
Knights: okdoc-
(affiliation unk) chzwhz
Bf 109F-2: 17 sorties; 3 SpitVb shot down. 7 a/c lost.
Bf 109F-1: 2 sorties; no kills. 1 a/c lost
Bf 109E-3: 2 sorties; no kills, 1 a/c lost.

Team Green (Allied)
9 pilots, 33 sorties.
4th: jedijc, WLDBIL (1 sortie)
RCAF: muzz--, yukone, -deak-
23rd: grmpy-, -splt-, slpsht, hardad
(affiliation unk) irnwlf
Blenheim Mk4: 2 sorties with AI wingman; 1 Bf 109F-2 shotdown, three grnd objects destroyed at F111. Two AI wingmen lost.
Spit Vb: 29 sorties; 3 Bf 109F-2, 1 Bf 109F-1 and 1 BF 109E-3 shot down. 5 aircraft lost.
Spit IIa: 2 sorties; 1 Bf 109F-1. No a/c lost.

Frame 4 Scoring
Team Green scores 18 VPs for LW fighter losses and 10 VPs for destroy 2 grnd targets at Abbeville, for a frame total of 28 VPs
Team Gold scores 10 VPs for destroying 2 Blenheim bombers.

Series Scoring
After four frames
Team Green scored 94 VPs.
Team Gold 50 VPs.
Team Green is declared the winner.

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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