S3 Series

S3 #137 IDD Frame 3 results and Frame 4 setup
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Author:  Muzz [ Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  S3 #137 IDD Frame 3 results and Frame 4 setup

Frame three followed a similar pattern to frame 2, with the Axis and Allies exchanging blows at F78 and F13. F13 was closed by the Axis and then the Allies closed F78 18 min later. F13 was captured by Fallschirmjäger 8 minutes after F78 was closed. 12 minutes later a mixture of paratroops and Desert Long Range patrol troops were able to capture the airfield at F78. At that point the exhausted Allies were out of fighter aircraft and were forced to retire for the night. Within 30 minutes the Axis were able to close and capture the post at F12 as well as close and recapture the airfield at F78.
The Allies are in a bad way, with only two airfields remaining to them.

Edit 1335hrs EDT 1 Nov. Some gaps in the log. Arena set-up requires 24 hits by troops to capture a field. F13 was captured with only 18 hits recorded in the log, although 24 troops were dropped. The log shows it took the allies 24 hits to capture F78. Log only shows 13 hits to capture F12 and 7 hits to capture F78 (although 8 more hits were recorded after the capture msg was sent out.

Axis used "innovative" tactics to capture F78, dropping troops prior to closing the field. Result was AAA was busy shooting at first load of troops while Axis fighters were able to quickly locate and destroy all ack. Only 2 troops of the first drop made it to the tower, while the 2nd pair of Ju52s dropped another 24 troops after field closure. Given Allies were done for the night, no issues with the tactic, but it does feel a bit like gaming the game.

Side note. I allowed the Allies unlimited lives in trucks to extend the fight.

10 pilots, 51 sorties
RCAF: muzz--, yukone, -deak-
4th: jedijc, WLDBIL
23rd: -split-, slpsht, grumpy-
hardad and kingat
P-400: 13 sorties, no kills, 8 aircraft lost
P-38F: 25 sorties, 1 Fw 109A-4, 2 Bf 109G-2 and 1 Bf 109E-1 shot down, 9 aircraft lost
Hurricane 2b: 2 sorties, no kills, 2 aircraft lost.
C-47: 4 sorties, 2 aircraft lost.
Opel Truck: 7 sorties, one airfield captured, 6 vehicles lost

6 pilots, 37 sorties
352nd: juice=, redsgt, vokker, =wilz=, osker-
Knights: okdoc-
Bf 109E1: 3 sorties, no kills, 1 aircraft lost
Bf 109G2: 18 sorties, 5 P-400, 3 P-38F, 1 Hurricane IIb, 2 C-47s and a truck shot down or destroyed. 3 aircraft lost
Fw 190A-4: 13 sorties, 3 P-400, 5 P-38F, 1 Hurricane IIb and 2 trucks shot down or destroyed. 3 aircraft lost.
Ju-52: 6 sorties, 2 airfields and 1 other field captured, no losses.

Rule Violations:
Thankfully none were noted this frame. No additional penalty planes assigned for frame 4. One Allied pilot assigned a penalty plane did not participate in frame 3.
He will have to fly his penalty plane in frame 4.
Rule Revision ref penalty planes - Allied pilots may fly the Hurricane IIb in lieu of the C-47 on their third life.

Frame 3 Scoring
Axis scores 19 points for Allied fighter losses and 4 pts for C-47 losses, for a total of 23 points.
Allied scores 7 points for Axis fighter losses.

Frame 4 Set-up.
Allies have their backs to the wall.

Map below depicts field status at start of frame 4. All fields are open.


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