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 Post subject: S3 #136 OVERLORD
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 2:54 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
Posts: 725
Location: Ottawa
Edited1114hrs EDT 6 june 2023: Map links now active.
The invasion to liberate Europe is underway! The Allied armada has occupied the Channel and Allied troops have hit the beaches. Unfortunately, the pre-landing bombardments have not been as successful as expected and the advances toward Carentan (P46) and Caen (V30) are pinned down facing heavy German resistance. Allied Tactical Air Forces have been tasked to close these locations to enable their capture with a follow-up airborne assault. Secondary objectives are the closure of the Axis airfields at Cherbourg (Fm15) and LeHavre (Fm14). Luftwaffe fighters have been tasked to stop them, but are prohibited from operating over the UK. Axis objective is to keep the Allies from capturing Carentan and Caen.

OVERLORD will be a two frame series, with players switching colours after the first frame.
11 June - Frame 1
18 June - Frame 2

Side assignments for frame 1
Allied (Team Green): 352nd FG, okdoc-, =vslp=, any lone wolves
Axis (Team Gold): RCAF, 4th FG, 23rd FG
*may be adjusted for side balancing.

Voice Comms for frame 1
Allied - TEAMSPEAK - 352nd channel
Axis - DISCORD - If you do not already have Discord, or do not have access to the iEN Discord server, go to this address https://discord.com/invite/8u6MfGzxJQ

Game Settings
Standard login. Bomber login should be available for the C-47.
Europe 256 Terrain (uses the terr_001.dds file for inflight map). Fields not in the immediate battle area are set neutral and will fire upon all players.
Icons – d24 friendly, d12 range, d6 enemy plane
Weather - clear
Radar – Allied 60 miles, Axis 40 miles, grey dots, inflight arrow. Minimum alt is 200 ft.
Flak - AAA limited to 30,000ft in height.
Fuel Multipler - set at 1 for all aircraft. Minfuel fighters is 100%, transports 50%.
Rebuild Time - 300 mins
Game Length – 180 mins
Lives – 3 lives per frame. Players may not re-up in an aircraft type they have already lost (i.e. anything other than a safe landing).

Inflight map HERE. Shows radar ranges, Allied objectives.
Frame 1 planning map below.

Basic Rules - any changes will be indicated in bold, red, italics.

1. Start Times - each frame uses the following schedule:

T-30 Log starts
T-5 (or sooner) Players log in for pre-flight coord
T+0 - Flight enabled.
T+160 - Last surface attacks completed all a/c must disengage ASAP.
T+180 - Dark(ish), any aircraft still in flightwill be considered lost.

2. Operational Restrictions
- Luftwaffe may not fly over England or conduct ground attacks against allied fields.
- May only conduct ground attacks against Fm14, Fm15, P46 and V30.

3. Plane Set:
Pilots may fly different aircraft on different sorties, but may NOT re-fly an aircraft type that they have previously lost (KIA, bail, ditch, crash, DISCO w damage, etc).
Luftwaffe - Bf109G-6, Bf109G-6/RVI, Fw190A-4, Fw190A-8. Any loadout. All aircraft are enabled at all Gold airfields.
Allied - P-47D-25, P-51B, Spitfire MkIX, C-47. Any loadout. All aircraft are enabled at all Green airfields.
AI Wingmen. Each C-47 may have up to three (3) AI wingmen.

4. Teleporting
S3 mantra, teleporting is not permitted. At frame start players may launch from any airfield, but subsequently may only re-launch from the field they landed at. Players who have lost their aircraft (KIA, Bail, Ditch, crash, etc) may re-up from any field.

5. AI Routines - There will be a "massive" Allied fleet sailing off the beachheads. Naval AAA might discourage Luftwaffe operations over the invasion beaches.

6. Field closure requirements - All object types, excluding "OT_unit (trees, barber wire), must destroyed.

7. Field capture requirements - standard for paratroops.

8. Scoring
All fighter losses (any cause), score 1 VP each for the other side. C-47 losses (player or AI) count 2 VPs.
Closure of Fm14 or Fm15: 5 VPs each. Capture of P46 or V30: 10 VPs.
The team with the most points after two frames is the winner.

S3 Clarifications - the S3 staff reserves the right to make a ruling on questions or game situations not answered completely or missed by the rules.

Questions or comments, fire away!

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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