S3 Series

S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up Updt
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Author:  Muzz [ Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up Updt

Changes/additions in RED.
This series will be the first of the "S3 Lites". Please review the 2022/2023 S3 Series CONOP in addition to the set-up/rules below.

Contrails over Kent will be a two frame series. Frame 1 will see the LW attempting to disrupt one or more channel convoys travelling somewhere between Rye (F89) and past Manston (F32) - see the map below. Frame 2 will see the LW attempt to close Manston (F32) and both Hawkinge/Lympne (F18/F6)

Terrain – Blitz. Bristol (F76) will be set purple for initial arena log in.
Weather – clear.
Time - 1100hrs local time
Radar – Allied 60 miles, Axis 10 miles min alt 100 ft
Max Flak Alt – 35,000ft
Min Fuel Load - Fighters 100%, Bombers 50%
Pilot Lives. Each pilot has three lives to use in any aircraft type. For pilots using the bomber login, deaths occurring when you are automatically transferred to a new aircraft may not count against the three life limit.

Frame 1 - 2 Oct 2022
Axis objective is simple, sink all shipping in one or more convoys hugging the Kentish coast. Convoys will consist of up to eight small merchant vessels and escorting destroyers.
At least one ship survives in all convoys - RAF victory. One convoy (inc DDs) completely sunk - Draw. Two convoys sunk - LW victory.

Two files must be downloaded and installed in your Warbirds root directory to correctly display the tower and inflight maps:
Inflight map bob.dds.
The field icons file bob.fld


Plane Set Frame 1
Hurricane Mk 1 (100 octane) - all airfields
Bf 109E-1 NO BOMBS MAY BE CARRIED - all airfields except F85 Lille, F23 Arras, F5 Wizernes
Bombers - 2 AI wingmen each
Ju 87B-2 - F54 Coquelles
Do-17Z - F5 Wizernes

Frame 2 - 16 Oct 2022
Axis objective - close RAF coastal airfields (F6/18 pair, and F32 Manston). All open - RAF victory, one group closed - draw, all closed - LW victory

Plane Set Frame 2
Spitfire Mk1 (100 octane) - all airfields
Bf 109E-3 NO BOMBS MAY BE CARRIED - all airfields except F85 Lille, F23 Arras, F5 Wizernes
Bombers - 2 AI wingmen each
Ju 87B-2 - F54 Coquelles
Do-17Z - F5 Wizernes
Ju-88A-4 - F23 Arras - 5K airstart
He-111H-3 - F85 Lille - 5K airstart

Side assignments based on responses received so far. If your are not listed and want to play, please advise ASAP! New groups/Lone wolves welcome.
LW should have numerical superiority with a side split of ~3/2.
COs, please confirm attendance.
RAF - Green
13 VRAF - 2
352nd - 6-8

LW - Gold
RCAF - 3
4th FG - 5-8
23rd FG - 3
JG51 - ?
Others - ?

If I missed something, let me know. As always, Janitors reserve the right to make rule clarifications/amendments as they see fit.

Author:  =wilz= [ Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

On a PC
able to copy and paste bob.dds

unable to copy bob.fld

Any ideas?

Author:  Muzz [ Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

I just tried and noted that the bob.fld file, which is just a text file, was opened by my browser. (Chrome) If that was happening to you, after the bob.fld file is open in the browser, right click in the browser window and in the menu that appears select "save as". In the save as dialogue, change the file type from .txt to all
Save the file in your Warbirds directory with the name bob.fld
Alternatively, SPINDZ has set up a forced download of the file when you first log into the S3 arena. Getting it that way might be easier.
The arena will be open for practice later today.

Author:  =wilz= [ Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

Sorry for late reply. I'm running Windows and I finally got it to work.

Thanks Muzz

Author:  split [ Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

On a Mac here, it appears the forced update puts me in an endless loop.... of downloading an update, relaunching having to d/l again, relaunching and d/l etc. OR am I the only Mac user that is having the issue. I d/l'd the two files and put them in the right place and the map works fine offline. I can't get into the S3 arena at this time.

Author:  Juice= [ Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

Unless I am mistaken........

Mac updates must be "Hand Installed" by downloading from the Totalsims Forums and then unzipping then follow instructions.
They must be done in order and in exact placement.

Can help on Thursday nights if needed


Author:  Muzz [ Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

I asked SPINDZ in an email, and he confirmed:
Apple disabled our Mac updater in their infinite wisdom
Mac users will need to manually install the new terrmap.vfc and the bob.fld files into the resources folder of their app.

Author:  split [ Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

I knew about the hand install on the Mac, which I did successfully with the two files Muzz has above. It worked offline. The forced updater was causing the problem I believe. Plus the email from muzz contained another file called terrmap.vfc which isn't listed above. Regardless I no longer see the force update happening and am online in the S3 arena fine now.
Thanks folks!

Author:  Juice= [ Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

I also on a mac see the S3 wants us to update to get in.
I am finding no update files for the mac at this time.

Forgive my ignorance but if there is a file directory need to know where is.



Author:  split [ Sat Oct 01, 2022 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #130 - Contrails over Kent (CoK)- Aug 1940 - Set-Up U

Muzz wrote:
The arena will be open for practice later today.

Just a fyi:
Friday nite the shipping routine was running. I saw the routine running, and it announced they got away or something. Then the routine started once again. However, Sat. morning (now) it appears the routine is not running any ships.
I know you have enough to do, but thought I'd let ya know.


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