S3 Series

S3 #123 IHR Frame 2 and 3 Scoring
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Author:  Muzz [ Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  S3 #123 IHR Frame 2 and 3 Scoring

It took a while, but I was able to determine most, but not all, of the Frame 2 aircraft losses by using the .score command in the arena before we ran frame 3. While not a complete data set, when combined with the lack of shipping losses, it provides sufficient information to determine the axis won frame two. That victory is primarily because of the points weighting where the loss of an Allied aircraft is worth approximately twice the value of axis aircraft in the same role. This disparity in points makes sense when you look at the relative performance and strength of the airframes involved.
Details may be found here S3 website.

Frame 2 was an aerial draw, but the Allied failure to attack the IJN battleships and the mauling inflicted on the fleet carriers and BBs of TF 38.3 made the frame an operational victory for the Axis.
AXIS losses - 32 A6M, 2 D3A, 7 G4M
ALLIED losses - 23 F6F, 8 FM2, 9 TBF
Axis score 76.5 pts, Allied 49 pts.

Frame 3
We had a good game log!
Halsey's gamble to sail north met his objectives, the last of the IJN fleet carriers were destroyed. However, were it not for the heroic efforts of the men of Taffy 3 the Allies could have suffered strategic defeat. The IJN Centre Force, including the super battleships Yamamoto and Musashi, penetrated through the San Bernardino Straight. At first light, as Halsey's aircraft were pounding the IJN fleet carriers, the CVEs and DDs of Taffy 3 were subject to direct fire attack from the IJN battleships and the main force of Kamikaze attacks that day. USN aircraft launched with what ever weapons and fuel were onboard while IJN shells fell among their ships, striking several of the CVEs. Suicidal attacks by USN DDs and TBF torpedo attacks kept the Japanese battleships at bay, allowing the CVEs of Taffy 3 to escape behind smoke screens. The IJN battleship force, fearing attack from the USN fleet carriers, withdrew as quickly as it had appeared. VAdm Ozawa's radio messages announcing his success at drawing the USN Fleet Carriers north never got through. VAdm Kurita never knew how close victory was.

On to our fight in the north:
Turnout 16 Allied to 25 Axis.
An ugly blood bath for IJN Aviation.
IJN losses - 3 CVs (I missed adding the 4th CV to the mbls), 39 A6M5a, 9 A6M3, 15 B5N2 Kate, 1 D3A1 Val. This does not include AI wingmen.
USN losses - 2 DDs (Kami hits), 8 F6F-5s, 15 TBF-1C not including AI wingmen.

F6F-5s scored 38 player aircraft shot down. TBFs were no slouch either, with 12 A6Ms shot down.
A6M5a scored 19 player aircraft shot down (13 TBFs), and the B5Ns managed 1 F6F.

Frame scored as 99.5 pts for the axis and 155.75 for the Allies. As there were only 3 vice 4 IJN CVs, the Allied bonus for sinking all the carriers from 40 to 30 pts.

The series after three frames is a draw!
Allies 278.75
Axis 276.5

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