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PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 9:25 pm 
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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:09 pm
Posts: 620

The update is now live and available for download

By: Robert, Grumpy, Bollok & Von Sleepy
All made possible by: Bcamel (creator of the program used to model the airplanes), and Idunno (who has shared a vast amount of aerodynamical knowledge).

--= Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress series =-
The B-17F and B-17G have been fully remodeled. They should now be close to real life performance and can use a larger payload than before. The B-17F can now carry 9600 lb of bombs, the B-17G 12800 lb of bombs as per their historical max loads. Previously they were both limited to only 6400 lb of bombs.

--= Hitmaps =--
The hitmaps of all twin/four engine bombers have now been fixed. They will more accurately cover the correct parts of the bombers. Below can be seen an example with the black-squared hitboxes of the G4M previously quite out of place vs now with the hitmap fixes. If you aim straight for the elevator you will now actually hit the elevator etc.


--= Hitpoints =--
With the hitmap fix, the hitpoints of all bombers have also been recalculated. The hitpoints are now set based on the hitmap volume size, construction material, known toughness/weakness etc for each part of each specific bomber airplane, rather than the previous generic hitpoint pool applied for all twin/four engine bombers, regardless of dimensions. The four engine bombers will have similar hitpoints as before, so players shouldn't notice to much change. The C-47, L2D and Ju-52 transports will be notably tougher than before since they are actually quite large, while the twin engine medium bombers will generally see an increase in hitpoints for the tail sections and be slightly tougher overall than before. The pilot will be somewhat better covered which should reduce the one-ping kills of bombers unless shooting at the cockpit from a realistic angle. You'll need to HO a buff from straight infront or slightly above, and it will be harder to get a pilot kill from underneath. This should better protect players who climb to altitude compared to lawnmower buff players.

The engines are now generally a bit more fragile than before, making the tactic of shooting at the bomber's engines an actual viable strategy. Previously the engines of four engine bombers had over twice the hitpoints of the fuselage of most fighters, making it a waste of ammo and nearly impossible to disable a large buff by going for the engines. Attacking the engines of a bomber was a prefered tactic in real life for ww2 fighter pilots, and while the engines are still fairly tough, it should now also be a viable tactic in game. This also promotes flying buffs at altitude since you can then easily dive out to put out an engine fire. If using lawnmover tactics an engine fire will be fatal as you can not dive out.

The hitpoints of all fighters and single engine bombers have already been fixed in previous updates, in the same manner as the bombers, but they have now been retweaked by using a better formula. For the vast majority of fighters there is no notable change, but larger fighters like the P-38's, Mosquitos, Bf 110's etc will now be notably more durable.

--= Slats drawbacks =--
Leading edge slats were previously modeled a bit to generously with full benefits but to modest drag/induced drag penalties. This has now been tweaked and all planes using leading edge slats will bleed a bit more energy when pulling high G's, which will affect their sustained turn rate negatively. The affected flightmodels are the: Bf 109's, Bf 110's, La-5's, La-7's, MiG-3, and Swordfish.

--= Stall speed reductions =--
A few flightmodels have had their stall speed slightly reduced for better historical accuracy. These are the:
* Hurricanes: 3-4 mph reduction
* Bf 110's: 4 mph reduction
* A6M3 & A6M5: 2 mph reduction (The A6M2 was already correctly set)
* P-47's: 4 mph reduction
* F6F-5: 3 mph reduction
* F4U's: 2 mph reduction

--= Trim span =--
A few flightmodels have had their manual trim span allowance slightly increased to allow for better trim settings when cruising and climbing manually (not using auto-pilot). This affects the P-38's, D3A2, B5N2, and Swordfish

--= Vehicle info =--
All fighters have had their sustained turn rate data updated in the Vehicle info menu. The turn data is now based on tests made at 12000 ft with 75% fuel. Previously they were made at sea level with only 50% fuel. The higher altitude turn tests should be more in line with ww2 turn tests which were usually done at mid altitudes. Please note these are sustained turn tests, i.e. turning for 5+ laps without losing altitude, and can not be compared to ww2 tests that only checks the turn rate and radius at the instant turn.

--= Spitfire XIVe =--
The Spitfire XIVe now has 3 boost stages, with a +18 lbs manifold pressure boost stage added for Bst2.


--= Fw 190A-1 and Fw 190A-2 =--
The A-1 and A-2 have had their engine WEP setup rebuilt. The WEP stages of these planes were previously estimated to generous in BHP and have now been set according to better speed data found.


--= MiG-3 =--
The MiG-3 now has the correct max AoA benefit modeled from having leading edge slats. This should improve it's turn rate, altough it's still best used as a boom n zoom plane, not a turn fighter.

--= Mosquito series =--
Except for now having more hitpoints with the hitpoint fix as written above, the Mosquito series now also have the boost stage info standardized in the HUD (type of boost, manifold pressure, minutes before overheat).

--= Skins =--
* The Spitfire Ia *87 oct now has a better looking default skin.
* The Spitfire Vb now has the "133 sqn RAD Don Blakeslee" skin as it's default.
* The Bf 109E-1 now has the "Red 14" skin as it's default, and a new "Yellow 10" skin.
* The Bf 109E-3 now has the "Yellow 15" skin as it's default.

--= Flaps dragco =--
The dragco has been recalculated for all planes with slotted or Fowler flaps systems. These flightmodels will now experience less drag when deploying flaps at smaller angles. The new dragco numbers have been set with the help of an English research report.

The B-17 Flying Fortress is an iconic bomber and has been featured in several movies. It was a large four engine bomber armed with an arsenal of .50 cal machine guns facing in every direction. The Flying Fortresses were though adversaries for the Axis fighters and forced the Luftwaffe to arm their interceptors with heavier cannons. Still, without fighter cover, even the B-17's took heavy losses when deep into Germany, but once the Mustangs could provide escort all the way to target and back, the dwindling numbers of Luftwaffe fighters could do little to prevent the Allied bombardments of Axis facilities. Both the B-17F and the B-17G are powered by four Wright R-1820-97 Cyclone engines, each able to produce 1240 hp at 15000 ft. The engines have a very good high alt performance, and a clean B-17 might even be able to outrun several interceptors, those with poor high alt performance, at the Fortress' maximum altitude. A clean B-17 at low fuel can get above 37000 ft. The Flying Fortresses are now able to use external 1600 lb or 2000 lb bombs under the wings, and has a wide array of loadouts. The B-17F can carry up to a limit of 9600 lb of bombs, while the B-17G has an impressive max payload of 12800 lb. As such they now carry their historical max payloads, while previously both B-17's in Warbirds have been limited to only 6400 lb. The B-17 is quite easy to fly and the stall is mild. Do note though that the B-17's are now realistically modeled, and players can no longer fly at zero throttle for an extended time without stalling out.

Also do note: The structural G limits are now set to realistic numbers. Do not go into a steep dive with heavy up-pitch trims. Reduce the trims or the pull out might break the plane apart. Remember this is a heavy bomber, not a fighter.

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