S3 Series

Future of the S3's
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Author:  Todzilla [ Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Future of the S3's

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is Jabo retiring and not a definite end of the S3's. While it may be that too, it sounds like he is willing to turn over the reigns if someone/we are willing to try to keep it going. I am starting a separate thread here for discussion as I do not want to detract from the well deserved "thank you"'s being said in the other thread. I'm not sure there is another person on the planet capable of pulling it off, and it may be time to call it a day. But there was some quote along the lines of "Was it over when the Italians bombed Pearl Harbor?" and we should at least discuss what the direction we would like to see it go.

While it will likely never be the same (thank you again Jabo!), my personal preference would be to try to keep it going.


Author:  =vslp= [ Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

Something for sunday nights for sure. Apossible discussion about its direction would possibly be in order.

Author:  Beaver [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

I am not that good at event planning, but you can count on me to participate and plan frames. :D

Author:  Sakai [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

To keep the Squad Select part of the series...I submit this for opinions and or tweaking:

For a One-Frame night, each Squad plans the 'series'...

For example, On Sunday, September 23rd, Tainan Kokutai presents a night in the Solomons with Reisen vs. USN. Sunday September 30, 4th FG plans a series in Afrika with P40s, Spits and Messerschmitts. Sunday October 7th, Jagdgeschwader 51 plan a night for Invasion of Russia using 109s and 190s against Yaks, Las. Sunday the 14th, 352nd plans their series with Pony's over Berlin. And so on ....

It rebrands the Squad Select Series and allows each squad to regain their voice in the S3s.

Author:  =vslp= [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

Bill wants to keep it going. So far as I know there are maybe 1 or 2 guys who could. One who is european and couldn't cause of the time. The 2nd is...hesitant.
On one hand, is it reasonable to expect the exact same thing to continue to take place? Or, to perhaps let that go, retire it with jabo ( going out on top so to speak)....rethink it, rewrite it...not that what Jabo was doing is in anyway wrong....but.....who could possibly fill those shoes, and that person would always be compared to Jabo and his work.......who would want to follow that?
So, the question stands.....try and continue like we have in the past, or do something differant?
Sakai has a alrite idea, but the work is always in the set up, the arena setup, planesetup, field setup...a new setup for everyweek would be......well, tough to do.
There is some talk from a Euro guy who wants to rework some EMC events ( if Bill gives a go ahead) Its possible that this setup could be used for a Euro friendly event, closed after event ( say saturday or sunday afternoon) and sunday evening the 2nd shift shows up and results are a cumlative effort of both US and Euro players. The same setup could be used, its half the work and the entire community has a chance to participate no matter thier time zone.
Just a thought.

Author:  jabo [ Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

I think Bill is working on it. But its your guys event. If you need help setting up the S3 arena I can do it for you. Just tell me what you want. I wont monitor the event of course and I get to fly a foo fighter :) But only if juice is in a DVA.

Author:  swanee [ Thu Aug 23, 2018 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

I like the DVa...

HEY, how about a Dawn of Aces S3 Event... I know... probably a stretch.
I know Sakai would be with me on that.


Author:  Sakai [ Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

Heck yeah, Swanee! I'd fly that as a penalty plane. Or the DVa

Author:  yamon- [ Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

jabo wrote:
I wont monitor the event of course and I get to fly a foo fighter :) But only if juice is in a DVA.

A Snoopy Dog House for you; so the rest of us can get back at you, for all the love you've have given us through the years.

Author:  -tmoa- [ Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of the S3's

yamon- wrote:
A Snoopy Dog House for you; so the rest of us can get back at you, for all the love you've have given us through the years.

Don't forget infinite lives so we can all take a whack at him! :twisted:



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