S3 Series

CD Frame 4 Summary
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Author:  jabo [ Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  CD Frame 4 Summary

http://www.squadselectseries.com - new summary up - map remains the same

The Luftwaffe confident of their expertise in the Do217(Do17 sub) launched a quick strike against Allied shipping off Dieppe. The Allies equally confident of their new Spitfire IXBs sent in a morning sweep above the waves. Just as the Kampfgeschwader hit the ships the Spitfires were first bounced by defending 190s then bounced the medium altitude German bombers. At least 10 ships were bombed and sank in this first attack but the Spitfires claimed 10 enemy aircraft as the Dorniers fled back inland. But this would not stop the German bomber crews and they were back again and again over the morning and early afternoon sinking a total of 34 Allied ships for the lost of 47 twin-engine bombers. Allied fighters won the war again over the beaches accounting for 57 German aircraft while loosing 29 of their own. Allied bombers struck the Fortress Le Havre area to the west and damaged many port and town structures, sinking some ships at their moorings. Not one was lost but relatively few sorties were flown compared to the Germans, 6 pilots versus 18. If there were more bomber sorties more damage would have been done on the ground. Luckily for the Allies several Do217 pilots mistook Le Treport to the east as Dieppe and bombed the port there damaging structures and sinking several friendly ships in harbour. All concerned were immediately transferred to the Russian Front to assuage French anger.

The heavy loss of Allied shipping gave the Germans the win in Frame 4. Even though Luftwaffe losses were heavy, Allied BDA was limited and could not make up the difference. The Germans go into the final frame with a strong lead, 684 to 558.

Frame 5 will be the same with Allied shipping moving away from Dieppe as they evacuate their troops from the bloody beaches.


1. Okdoc- used Allied destroyers to launch torpedoes against the Dieppe port and may have gunned from the same ships during play. He is awarded a bright new B25C to fly three lives during frame 4 and ordered to stay on land or the air and never ever go to sea again.

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