S3 Series

Pusan Perimeter Korean Jet event
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Author:  =vslp= [ Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Pusan Perimeter Korean Jet event

Summer of 1950 and North Korea has invaded South Korea. Reeling back U.S. and ROK troops have retreated back toward the Port of Pusan. NK pushes hard to eliminate this last pocket of resistance while US rushes supplies and troops into the fray to hold them.
This is an S3 break 2 frame event, the next 2 Sundays. Korean Pusan perimeter event arena. It will feature several new things mainly the introduction of the new Mig 15 pitted against F-86 Sabrejets and B-29's.
Unlimited life event, open to all players.
It is the object of both sides to capture the Pusan perimeter.
There is something for every one. P-51's and Corsairs pitted against soviet piston engine aircraft for airfights and /or ground strike work in support of a ground war with many outposts within striking distance from each other.IL-2's and Avengers available for close in strike work.
Tanks also enabled for those who enjoy that also.
New things to look out for. INflight map will show a grey circle around closed fields when they close. Icons on AI gv's but NOT on human driven ones.
Mig 15's with new/proper guns.
B-29's available on an airfield outside the perimeter, on an island.
Players may troop with gv's or airborne troops.
Enjoy and I look forward to next weeks Inchon Landings..

Author:  =vslp= [ Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pusan Perimeter Korean Jet event

US forces have surprised NK by doing an end run and landed at Inchon quickly taking kempo airfield. NK defenses are rallying and are hotly defending Seoul. US forces push forward with Seoul as its main objective hoping to turn the line.
B-29 base has been moved onto the Korean peninsula, on the south end whilst land and carrier based aircraft strike at the heart of the NK defenses surrounding Seoul.
Sunday night 8:30 EST.

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