Updated to 1 min. To avoid some confusion the MA and S3s have used the same files for a couple years now. So you can do testing in the MA or legacy arenas as well. Industry targets are not as common in the terrains that run there. The following snippets may help.
Object point list for industry targets damage in MA.
FacMod-4000 LivMod-2000 Warehouse-2000 AmmoDump-1250 Factory-3000 FactComplex-5000 FactAvionics-3000 FactBall1 -3000 FactBall2-4000 Warehouse2-3000 Crane-1000 Pontoon-300 ReFinBuild1-4000 RefFinSep-700 ReFinTank-1250 RefinPipe-700 Power1-1000 Power2-1500 Power3-2000 Uboat-1000 Gas1-750
US GP bomb damage in MA(damage, damage radius)
100lb GP Bomb,320,300 250lb GP Bomb,480,450 500lb GP Bomb,765,550 1000lb GP Bomb,1100,650 1600lb GP Bomb,1530,750 2000lb GP Bomb,2100,900 4000lb GP Bomb,3900,1000