S3 Series

DOD Frame 5 Summary
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Author:  jabo [ Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  DOD Frame 5 Summary

http://www.squadselectseries.com - final summary up

The time and money spent investing in long range heavy bombers really paid off for the US in the final frame. B17s proved unstoppable hitting target after target and closing three recently captured Japanese airfields. Losses to both bomber forces was relatively low with each side only losing one bomber piloted by a player. Japanese losses were much higher in fighters and strike aircraft. The US claimed 68 aircraft shotdown to the IJ 16 claims. The initial strike by the Japanese G4M1s on the F1 area proved promising but a substantial number of B17s first moved east to the undefended Japanese airfields there hitting the area without interception. From there they were unstoppable being applied in force to target after target. With their limited payloads the Japanese tried to fight back hitting port areas in the important Bataan area. Heavy defensive armorguns and payload would carry the day. The US out-bombed the Japanese 148 to 72 and carried the frame 260 to 114 taking the series.

Different terrains and early war PTO planeset. FMs proved to be very nice with little complaints. When the Japanese stayed high they did well. When they had to go low they suffered. B17s are beasts against the lightly armed and armored IJ aircraft and really tore up the last two frames. Even with 3 lives the area was still too large to focus the battle at least initially. Our numbers are around 65 per frame and smaller sections of a battle should be our focus. As a event designer some lessons were learned. All in all though most seemed to enjoy the challenge and new FMs.

Next S3 the B17s wont have it so easy. Big Week and those fearsome LW cannons.

Everyone have a great holiday and see you in 2018!!


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