... ummary.pdfBoth sides concentrated on moving ship units for the final frame. The Luftwaffe was counting on their experienced Ju88 pilots and some brave stuka AIs while the Allies were hoping their deadly AI Wellingtons could achieve the same success against shipping. The Stukas went direct to Dover at first light with a sweep of 109s to protect them. Luckily for them the Allies were not basing at F1 to start and the several Stuka sorties caused extensive damage to the ships anchored in and around Dover. Several freighters, boats and DDs went down to their bombs and torpedoes while a number of buildings and cranes were destroyed in the port area. Meanwhile the Ju88s were off hitting the North Sea flotillas with heavy 109 cover. They would continue to attack British DDs in the north sea and southwest channel area throughout the night with players sending 17 destroyers to the bottom. Not without losses though with 4 player bombers shotdown by the defending RAF along with many AI bombers.
During these running fights RAF Bomber Command sent in several Wellington sorties along the known evacuation routes for the German navy. Flying under radar just above the choppy waters these brave pilots would climb and bomb any ships they came across. During the days operations they would sink a total of 18 ships along the French coast but the coast was high with 28 British and Commonwealth bombers failing to return.
In the end the repeated sorties by the player Ju88s were the difference during the night. Player ac losses were relatively even with a slight advantage in AI kills for the RAF. Ship claims were to the advantage of the Luftwaffe 28 to 18 and these high value targets gave them the win for the night and allowed them to pull a come from behind win in the series 818 to 788.
Great use of AI in the final frame by both Frame COs with the Stukas finally showing their worth. AI level bombers just cannot compete with the damage to targets that dive to strike bombers achieve. Survival for both is a rare thing regardless of how they attack. To use AI properly like in this event more controls are needed for AI routines and their command has to be more explicit and their wandering has to be reduced. AI routines can be a powerful tool to represent high intensity air operations. The ability is there it just has to be improved in a couple key areas to be used consistently in events.
Thanks to everyone for adopting the use of AI routines in this event. Next series is in the Channel 1944 terrain and will feature not one AI routine just AI wingmen. The latest update features a revised Channel1944 terrain with missing bridges added and many interesting special operations targets for sneaky fellows.
Next series is after Easter and starts on April 23rd.
Thanks again for participating!