S3 Series

update on missing log entries
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Author:  phenix [ Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  update on missing log entries

So, it looks like the log went blank from about T+2 to T+52. That is the time frame we are dealing with.

Thanks to everyone that has been feeding me information. Please share with your team mates my offer to update the log with a 3/22 (Wed) deadline. Have them check here to see if I already have it.

What follows is what I plan on adding. Correct me where needed.

I will be adding several missing sorties, including one for -sakai

I will be adding BDA for ohshix(F6 x2), jlordj(F6), -gums-(F68), and coolon(F68). If you dropped bombs on a target during our black out, tell me what field you hit to be added to this list.

I will be adding the following kills that were missing (first ID is killer, 2nd is victim).
The victim was given a Disco With Damage
***p51mk1 is Hurricane2b, I will change it before uploading (silly logs!)

KILL -HOST- AAA -fooo- p51mk1
KILL -HOST- AAA jlordj p51mk1
KILL -HOST- AAA slpsht p51mk1
KILL -HOST- AAA vulche Spit2
KILL -prime 109E4AA -wcat- p51mk1
KILL -prime 109E4AA =vslp= p51mk1
KILL -prime 109E4AA =weis= p51mk1
KILL -prime 109E4AA madcat p51mk1
KILL -prime 109E4AA parson p51mk1
KILL -wcat- p51mk1 -deak- p51mk1
KILL -wcat- p51mk1 oledkk 109E4AA
KILL =wilz= p51mk1 buzkil 109E4AA
KILL chicdg Spit2 hutani 109E4AA
KILL goneer 109E4AA ohshix p51mk1
KILL jedijc 109E4AA -fooo- p51mk1
KILL jlordj p51mk1 -tmoa- 109E4AA
KILL juice= p51mk1 besea- 109E4AA
KILL juice= p51mk1 tapsss 109E4AA
KILL mspiro 109E4AA muzz-- p51mk1
KILL noflyz p51mk1 kaceyj 109E4AA
KILL oledkk 109E4AA ohshix p51mk1
KILL oledkk 109E4AA yukone p51mk1
KILL victim 109E4AA swede- p51mk1

Congrats on Prime for being an Ace in a Frame! I now have 6 kills for Prime, although I heard rumor of 7. If there is a 7th I will need the ID.

Author:  phenix [ Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: update on missing log entries

Frame 2 has been updated and reposted

Author:  Darryl [ Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: update on missing log entries

Hey Phenix, all the DRS were dropping bombs to help close F68. Hope you can spread a little credit their way. Thanks for your hard work.

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