S3 Series

FG2 Frame 3 Summary
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Author:  jabo [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  FG2 Frame 3 Summary

http://www.squadselectseries.com - new map and summary up

Interesting third frame with the Allies flying mostly all Fokker DXXIs and the Germans using their vulnerable Stukas to target fields and radar in the north.

Generally there was much contact and numerous dogfights but relatively low losses by both sides. The Germans managed to hold on to T38 and threatened T45 all night but it was in the North they were most active with their stukas taking out Dutch radar and control centres early on and in their final sorties taking out S58. Dutch Fokkers had move to cover this are by then and the fight was short but intense. 17 stukas were shotdown in this attack but several low Fokkers were shotdown by higher 109s protecting their slower strike aircraft. During the night 20 Fokkers were claimed to 6 Bf109s and the 17 stukas. Relatively even in the air but the Luftwaffe scored more on the ground supporting the attack on S58 and hitting the high value RDF control targets on the Dutch coastline.

The Luftwaffe scored their first win though it was close. Still waiting on the S6 for the pilot losses but it looks like the Germans won the frame by a narrow margin. Because of this the RAF has reinforced their group in France with Spitfires. The AE\8th FG got the lucky number and can fly Spitfire Mk IAs for the last two frames of the series.

Score is close with the Allies about 20 points ahead with two frames to go.


1. FEBA system does fight well but only on one axis and between the closest points. T38-T45 was the centre of continued tank battles and the outcome was always in doubt with one side attack and the other countering soon after.

2. Both sides continue to miss many of the high value targets. It is not so much about closing fields but hitting those targets that get you the most bang for the buck. Bridges, shipping and hangars or comms at airfields are worth much more than a flak position.

3. Allies are fielding few bombers this series but can still win it with concentrated attacks on Luftwaffe bombers. An unequal setup with victory available to those that exploit their best assets. Or whomever is the luckiest.

4. Ditching complaints continue so will just remove the ditch rules and let it work its way out. Tac fields are all different and spread all over the place in the ETO.

5. Clarified the rules to make clear that closed fields only remain so if they are not captured. Once captured they are open and functional to the capturing side.

Good Luck in Frame 4

Author:  Coolon [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FG2 Frame 3 Summary

so Churchill is sending spitfires to France? ;)

Author:  yamon- [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FG2 Frame 3 Summary

As long as you have to fly across the channel to get to France. ;)

Author:  Beaver [ Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FG2 Frame 3 Summary

yamon- wrote:
As long as you have to fly across the channel to get to France. ;)

That sounds fair, as long the the newest 109's have to fly from Berlin ;)

Author:  Madcat [ Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FG2 Frame 3 Summary

Beaver wrote:
[That sounds fair, as long the the newest 109's have to fly from Berlin ;)

You know, those 109E4s.... that didn't exist... until the Battle of Britain... :? :roll: :o ;)

Author:  crommm [ Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FG2 Frame 3 Summary

In the minutes after T+0, AE/8th conducted a strafing attack on the Radar installation attached to M66 in the south. It was successful with Besea- blowing the radar to kingdom come. Phenix's S6 confirms the success under Besea-'s FR3 Destroyed category.

The S3 website FR3 Points Summary did not account for this success. Please add the 1.00 pt for putting that Dar out of its misery. It's only one point, but the opposition is good and we might need that one point at the end of the series.

Thanks for all you do Jabo. The S3 is the only reason I'm still in Warbirds and you're a major part of that. Keep up the good work.

American Eagles

Author:  jabo [ Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FG2 Frame 3 Summary

Thanks Crommm. The S6 is precise I was just thumbling through the log. Will update the scores with pilot losses as well.

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